
When Calls the Warden

That’s the part of this whole story that still dumbfounds me... Her dad is the douche that lied to his parents about GOING TO USC and instead cashed the checks to build his brand because school was a waste of his time, so natch when it comes to his own kid, instead of letting her BUILD HER BRAND BECAUSE SCHOOL IS A

You go right on ahead and feel bad for her. I’ll be over here figuring out how to keep my bipolar 15 year old alive and hoping against hope that our insurance continues to pay for her new $1000+/month medication. I have no fucking energy to care about some attractive 18 year old with obscenely rich parents. Fuck that.

I imagine her saying “OMG mom!!!! I’m literally going to die right now over this! How could you ruin my life?!? I never even wanted to go to college!!!”

If I had a nickle for every time someone had skealked my identity, I’d be able to hire an editor.

Well, there’s a giant spoiler in the trailer (Ant-Man gets out of the quantum realm, duh!)

You mean Nebula? I didn’t see Gamora anywhere.

Wasn’t that war machine?

I presume you mean Nebula?

Some of y’all just need to calm the fuck down about spoilers. What did you think he was just gonna be stuck in the quantum realm the whole fucking time? It’s not a spoiler to show that something that obviously was going to happen happened. Same with the Tony thing. Oh yeah they’re going to build up this whole heroic

Did you skip the first trailer? Because Scott was shown out of the Quantum Realm in that one too.

was anyone else disappointed there was no video of him actually fixing for her!? MISLEDEING!

And what do they do in 6 months when she’s failed half her classes and is excused from attending next semester?  I don’t think writing another check fixes that one.

Literally just status. It’s sad.

The really dumb question: Why does she even need a degree? What could it possibly do for her? Why would her parents pay 500k to get her into a good school when they could put that same money toward ... idk, launching a clothing line or acting classes or some other kind of self promotion more in line with this woman’s

Same - I did ok, but I’ll never forget sitting down with my dad and him telling me with tears in his eyes that I couldn’t go to my dream school because we just couldn’t make it work financially.

if I had a dime every time someone told me “we can’t afford it, we can’t afford it, even with a scholarship we can’t afford it,” when I was applying to colleges....

What I don’t understand is, if this girl so clearly hasn’t a shred of interest in actually getting an education at USC, why did her parents resort to what amounts to a felony to get her in there? Lack of a college education hasn’t hurt the K-J clan financially. 

One thing I’m really interested in (assuming we all last that long) is what do these “influencers” look like in 5 or 10 years? I already can’t believe that people give a shit what type of makeup Aunt Becky’s teenage daughter wears, but one she ages out of the slightly older sister demo, who is going to listen to her?

Who's Loughlin now?