
Lookin like this at 33 is what he gets for being a racist piece of shit : )

I googled Miller’s age and I’m still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. Any time I feel conflicted about my crows’ feet I will remember that I am older than Stephen Miller and Sarah Huckabee Sanders but they could pass for my judgmental, bigoted parents.

The only flaw there is assuming he has tickets to give away for a movie he has nothing to do with.

She didn’t have to do a workout near the entrance where patrons had to walk around her.

She is thirsty 


I’d keep them. Selling a gift like that on seems to be missing the point.

I went to high school with a very sweet man who was active in the performing arts. We weren’t super close, but we remained friendly acquaintances for the next several decades. He went on to become an elementary school teacher. He and his husband abruptly had a murder-suicide several years ago.

Allow me to tell you all a story, and you make of it whatever you want...

Emotionally immature. When they can’t name their emotions, when they can’t process actions and consequences beforehand, they count on silly gestures they’ve seen in movies. Ignorance and crassness that is unsupervised and met wth lazy, unwarranted loyalty and it’s easy to see they’re being manipulated by the

I hope Pete learns to tone down his public presence. It’s in your hands, Pete. World will be world. What is in your control is what you put out there. 

Trash. Dudes like this are straight up basura

Like many, I remember the trash circus around this story. The media was going wild and was obsessing over the minutest details of her life. There was a lot of gleeful coverage over how she couldn’t afford all of her children and how!dare!she! use welfare to feed her children when she’d made the choice to have so many.

You’re forgetting that by thirties there was the Great Depression. Many of the people who had left their jobs as servants during the economic upturn after WWI found themselves returning to that if they could (it meant guaranteed food and shelter if not much money).

I agree that it’s irresponsible for a public figure to make such comments, but it’s also a fairly common sentiment among bipolars who often express that their creativity, productivity, and perceived clarity of mind thrive during mania.

Kanye is on Twitter right now claiming medication is bad for his creativity. That shit is dangerous and people have to stop acting like criticizing his dumb fucking opinions is the same thing as being insensitive about his health issues. 

My favorite part was watching it on PBS with Laura Linney. “For no damn reason, here’s Laura Linney” was an oft-repeated line in our household, as she’d show up to introduce each episode while having no discernable connection to the actual show, or Edwardian England in general, and her introductions were completely

What the Republicans are doing isn’t appeasement. You appease potential adversaries to prevent a conflict. They don’t consider the Saudis or the Russians to be adversaries. They’re fellow authoritarians. They’re offering assistance to their friends, not caving in to their enemies.

Oh my god she lost both of her children. Oh my god. This world rips me into shreds daily. Fuck I cannot even imagine. I’m logging off for the day. 

Don’t let these YOUTS push you out!