
I think the Duchess is absolutely lovely & so is her mother, Doria Ragland. But the white members of the Markle family don’t seem to know when to shut up!

Quincenera has absolutely nothing to do with Italy, and never has. Hint: That is a SPANISH word. You also seem to think Italian is something other than white? No.

Quinceanera is a Hispanic tradition. I’ve legit never heard an Italian talk about them. The closest is when they turn 18 and have diciottesimo.

Quinces are a Latin American/Mexican thing. Definitely not Italian. White girls have Sweet Sixteen parties. I guess anyone could throw a quince, but it most definitely is not an Italian tradition.

The student walkout gives you just the right picture of how life must be like in that school for the student in question. Yep. Nothing to see here. Everyone is “mutually tolerated.” Except your classmates are walking out in support of the horrible teacher who refuses to acknowledge your true (trans) identity.

Even better, he called it “mutual tolerance.” Let’s go get the trans student and ask him how he feels about this “solution” wherein the teacher noticeably treats him differently than other students. Where the teacher actively avoids referring to his gender identity because the teacher “doesn’t believe” (whatever the

Human history also actually includes records of transgender individuals in nearly every single era and around the globe. Records including the Holy Bible!

What beliefs though?

He can easily get a job at a Christian private school, though it could mean losing benefits and taking a pay cut.

A religious belief is not eating pork or not working on Saturday. This is treating people like shit and then blaming god when you get caught.

‘he was at risk of losing his job for having views held by “most of the world for most of human history.”’

Behold the master race.

You mean the coward who shot himself in his bunker rather than facing Allied justice?

There’s a very good chance that a lot of people would still be alive today if Hillary Clinton - the supposed “Killary” many Americans feared - had been elected President.

What we have here is a vicious cycle of causation.

James Alex Fields couldn’t Dodge his conviction. His role as a Challenger to the charges were Rammed aside by the jury. He’s going to join the Caravan of guilty going to prison. Fields Wrangled with the wrong side and lost.

And how the hell do these dumb fucks think they’re a part of some master race? Do they never look in a mirror? I mean, I’ve never seen a Nazi that didn’t look like Fields. You don’t have genes worth preserving, assholes!

If Donald Trump were not president, Heather would be alive. Full stop.

You’re damn right he’s guilty. Nazi puke stain.

That was what jumped out at me first as well.