
First they came for Iron Fist. And I did not speak up because Iron Fist sucked.

I’ll see myself out.

You know who didn’t see this coming? Matt Murdock.

I’ll see myself out.

I was hoping for a shoutout to this quote in a recent interview Patti LuPone did for the New York Times about traveling.

Hey now, there’s always Lena Dunham.

Tom Cruise is 5'9" just like all guys on the Internet have 9" dicks.

If you have enough money, you can loophole your way through anything. And if Phil was as abusive/nuts as Ronnie (and others) have reported him to be, you could also quite easily forge your spouse’s signature on whatever documents.

That show was painful to watch. I gave the “she’s playing a character, don’t confuse that with the person” that a chance outside the show and nope. Her fictional characters sucked bc her character sucks.  I hate that Adam driver has been so successful outside the show bc I hated his character as much as the others and

like everything they do, the whole thing was a pre-planned PR move. her throwing him under the bus seems now an extra shitty thing to do, but what else is new in that trash family.


Our gender reveal was when the baby came out, maybe I shoulda arranged for some explosives and smoke in the Delivery room? lol

AZ Central reports that the father responsible for the gender reveal party, U.S. border Patrol agent Dennis Dickey of Tucson, Arizona, pled guilty to causing the fire in September and has been sentenced to five years probation and a “restitution totaling more than $8.1 million.” He has plans on making monthly payments.

Now playing

Feels like this is what they’re going for. Dredging up this memory was pretty horrifying, which bodes well for this movie.

So maybe it’s just my hot take as an old, but She’s the Man is a riff of One of the Guys from 85, which (yes I know) riffs on Twelfth Night. The gal that played Terri(y) in One of the Guys was impossibly hot and made a convincingly cute dude. Amanda was probably familiar with that treatment and thought the results

Jez gonna Jez.

I haven’t seen much Bynes stuff, but what I have seen her in, she has *such* great comedic timing and improv ability. Was super bummed when she was clearly out of control.

Could do without the snark re: Amanda Bynes. If you read the whole article, she talks about her more general issues with body dysphoria. I have nothing but sympathy and compassion for a woman who grewup on screen while women’s weights and appearances are being constantly picked over and scrutinised. It sounds

Also Lauren, using the one image that Amanda Bynes had issues with that sent her into a body dysphoric shame spiral seems a little unnecessarily cruel, no?  

a broken sexual marketplace that is rigged in the favor of females.”

Take a map of the worst states for public education (low test scores, high school grads), overlay with states that have cut funding or haven’t increased funding to keep up with inflation or population, then note the overlap with areas that are republican leaning. The GOP has nothing to gain by making their base