
It must be pretty unique to live in an area that, no matter where you dig, you could end up with something historical. When I dig in my yard, all I find is dirt.

I don’t understand why most people consider human remains more and more like junk as time passes. Would you takes selfies in front of a fresh corpse?

Okay, so how did Theon know how Osha killed the guards? It’s been a while, but I didn’t think there were any witnesses. And why was Ramsay asking about it? Seems bizarrely prescient.

She was also in Fantastic Four.

Michael Ealy would be on my list.

I thought Evans was pretty well cast as Johnny but I am SHOCKED at what an amazing Cap he’s done.

Currently staring as his phone, praying to hear from his agent:

“Nice to meet you, Cap. You really set the world on fire.”

Marvel HAS to give him a scene with Chris Evans. ALL YOUR HUMAN TORCHES ARE BELONG TO US!

After Kinberg was boasting about making another Fantastic Four Marvel was like

Say WHAT?!

She died of old age after a long and fruitful career? You do know that your dog isn’t at a farm, right? I mean, if anything should have tarnished Peggy
and Howard, it's the fact that they were working for Hydra for 40 years and didn't know it.

It crosses my mind from time to time. I have disagreed with comments on Jez, but never cursed at someone or name-called or trolled, and yet...still gray while others apparently have been promoted while engaging in all three behaviors. :-[

Starting out sexual revenge tweets with “so many of us saw her doing some nasty shit” kind of ruins the punch(line). They were all doing some nasty shit, and his name is Hugh.

...and I’m still a grey. Sigh. Do people have to troll and argue to be followed by Jez these days? (sorry for complaining)

not only are you correcting spelling but you’re correcting the spelling of slang. lol thanks hoe ;p


With Kendra, when she isn’t acting out in anger, it’s still right there bubbling just below the surface.

“I know my recent posts were a little over the top and I apologize for that. Sticking up for me n my beliefs is hard for me at times. Sorry.”