
Finally, Clayface comes to Gotham

You forgot Jon Snow has a small ween... #Tormund


Somehow I think it’ll go the other way. Arya will go as no one for a time but in the end reclaim her rightful role as Arya Stark, and in the moment she proclaims it Nymeria will come to her side to prove that shit.

It’s weird to find yourself cheering for a kid to get killed, but that’s what GOT does to you.

Seriously? Why is everyone complaining about the lack of plot movement?? Keep in mind there are a ton of characters in play and in three episodes, all this has happened:

my wife wept, again, for another dead Stark direwolf. Won’t they think of the animal lovers?

Because the night is dark and full of terrors

The fuck you talking about? This is the first season most plotlines are driving forward at a more-than-decent rate.

Rip shaggydog.

Arthur fucking Dayne.

“That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all!”

You turn into a real d-bag when you’re hungry. Have a Snickers.

Welp. Thankfully vibranium doesn’t exist, because combined with this I’d throw my vibranium shield at pretty much everything.

Based on Palin’s background, are we sure she wasn’t saying “Paul Ryan and his elk?

I know the web shooters and the formula are major parts of Parker’s science wiz persona but straight up I always found it silly that someone who gets the abilities of a spider wouldn’t inherit pretty much the defining ability of spiders. I am definitely pro organic web.

I saw it yesterday afternoon and loved it, too! I told you Ant-Man is amazing! I’m excited for you seeing it for the 1st time. Hahs

Photo of the security guard in question.