
There are Charger fans in San Diego?

Most subscription fees are deducted directly from Social Security benefit checks.

So at least you know that the mental health should greatly improve in 20-30 years through "attrition."

I guess I could see that, but it seems like everyone I know who is a hop head is familiar with the 60 and 90 min (although not always the 120 since the distro area seems much smaller - and they are prob double the price).

I wouldnt really know though, because IPA/DIPA etc. isnt really my style. I enjoy them from time

My only complaint would be that I didnt think that the 90 min was underrated. I thought that it was one of the more recognized, respected craft (d)IPAs in the US, but I suppose I could be mistaken - that or maybe people are less familiar with it of late?

I agree. I dont drink them that often - mostly because I dont drink much - but American lagers are my go to for hot summer days - or outdoor activities year round.

I want something that is more bland than say an imperial stout or a hop bomb IPA when I am sweating balls and should probably be drinking water in the

You dont seem to understand that there is a huge bit of asymmetry here. It is like protesters throwing rocks - only to get mowed down by tanks and machine gun fire.

So dryer balls are all theyre cracked up to be? Just dont buy any painted ones?

How many owners that you know actually let you in on their thought process exactly? Exactly.

Thats pretty silly. A lot of players use in lieu of opiate painkillers (an actual liability) - to relieve pain. Also not really sure if off field use is going to affect on field performance, but please feel free to continue concern trolling.

I feel like Great Divide gets overlooked a lot as well. I think most of their beers are solid offerings and the small batches that they have had at the taphouse (like the peche grand cru - or numerous special YETIs) have been amazing.

I had heard that their hops crop took a big hit a number of years ago and that their production was never quite the same. I cant really say, because I havent ever really liked any of their beers, though Old Fezziwig was a decent winter offering.

You should at least try some of their Lips of Faith series (La Folie is a personal favorite - and anyone collaborating with 3 Floyds probably knows whats up). A lot of their flagship styles are a bit boring, but I wouldnt say that they are bad.

Breckenridge Brewery seems to have a really strong foothold here in Denver

If youre seeking complexity as you seem to imply - sour (and wild) beers are actually among the most complex of styles. Some of them can be hard to pick out when its truly mouth puckering like a young New Belgium La Folie - but some of the milder ones or really anything cellared for 12 months+ opens up to something

I think that this fad has actually passed a little while ago. IPAs and their nonstop marketing seemed to have cooled off - and sour beers (and other lesser known styles) seem to be getting a lot more momentum here in CO and quite a few other places (judging from the GABF offerings). Having said that it is still

Yeah the ruby redbird is truly awful. I bought a sixer and was a little excited at the prospect - and then I tried it. It sat around for months waiting for guests to snag em.

You must not have been to the southeast - or pretty much any large venue where stupid people may gather (like a stadium) that serves it.

Of course these are the same people that think import means Corona or Heiniken - and they think that alone is a measure of the beers greatness.

I would be ok with Blue Moon if it tasted good - or was actually comparable to a legit Belgian White even if it was a BS attempt at a money grab.

Its an American Lager - dont know how it could be much worse than any of the others. Notable features of American Lagers - near tastlessness - CHECK.

Methinks that qualifies as a pass.

Please explain the merits of PBR. I would think that it should top the list at #1 - especially given their pretentious name sake - which hasnt won a legit blue ribbon in what over a century?

I agree with you on that account. It certainly seemed awkwardly reactionary.