
Pretty sure the discrepancy is that salaries are not the same as total compensation. I wouldnt doubt that his salary increased that much while his stock options etc. (which likely account for over half of what he actually gets paid) may have stayed roughly the same.

Kinda weird for you lawyer to just come out and say that you’re a Nazi like that.

The real problem is emergence of lots of viable competitors and knock-offs. GoPros beat the competition by miles about 5-6 years ago, not so much anymore.

I think that Dan and Serv-Bot are exceptions that prove the rule?

The puppy in the ramekin is wise beyond his years.

Are Terry Pratchett and James Randi twins or something?

In my experience, most people under 40 dgaf about Clinton. Most of my friends are left-leaning and they have said as much. I am 100% fine with locking up all of the criminals and barring them from running for office or even voting - to include Bill and 45 as well.

Hearing this guy talk about salad on VICE was enough for me to know that he is an idiot. It seem he believes humans arent animals, but some other life form altogether.

Mall employees are usually at least 18 years of age. It is the patrons we should worry about.

Pretty sure that was a comment on the current state of US politics, foreign policy and world affairs, not about Franken specifically (that was the “at least have out principles” part)

Serious question - why are you a conservative?

My ostensibly smart, conservative friends say it is because they are “fiscally conservative,” but I havent actually seen any cogent economic policy from the GOP that remotely reflects that ideal in my lifetime (over a third of century). Their economic policy does nothing

While that likely plays a factor, their disparate levels of their fame was probably a large factor .

Masterson will never be as big a star as Spacey is/was. CoS also has a way of making stories disappear as they are prone to make all sorts of legal - and perhaps extralegal - threats, especially on behalf of their

As someone who was raised and lived there for some of my adult years, this statement is painfully accurate.

As someone that was raised in AL, but has lived plenty of other places in the US, the evangelical component is pretty well confined to the southeast. Yes there are evangelicals everywhere, but not in such ridiculous concentrations. They are a very big part of why AL will never rise above 47th in measures of education,

This ignores the constitution, federal legislation and lots of case law.

Sure churches could do all that crap, but only if they PAY TAXES. I would support that 100%.

Coates>>>>West, even in his prime. It is not even remotely close, even if West paved the way for writers like Coates.

The first part may be true, the second part almost certainly is not.

I wish that were not the case, but these things do take time - and states’ AG have only just now sent out subpoenas to Trump businesses. We have to remember that if Mueller only builds a federal case that Trump may pardon himself - even if the

I keep seeing this all the time, and the pedant in me just cannot deal...

Reigns (!=) Reins. We are talking about these things as if they are carriages after all.

He also assumes that super old people understand the concept of Net Neutrality, which seems foolish.

Raising the cost of living for everyone, especially renters, while also increasing property taxes for longtime residents - many of whom are on fixed incomes, or lack further opportunity tends to piss people off.