
you truly have your head so far up your own ass that it is not worth me expending any more effort speaking with you. Just in case you didnt already know - your intuition does not affect actual health outcomes - or microbe transmission, but please feel free to pretend that it does, because it is abundantly clear that

that was the easiest thing i could pull (was at work and most sites are actually locked down including official sites and twitter as well) - there was a lot of other stuff, but like i said his first assertion was baseless, just like his BS notion that cooperation cant work to your benefit somehow in Titanfall.

Actually YOU DO connect to Microsoft's dedicated servers when playing Titanfall - on both PC and Xbone. That is a matter of fact. Plenty of other things you are completely mistaken about - but that is a pretty glaring example.

Or IOW, I reject your hyperbole and substitute my own!

I dont really have anything against MMA, but justifying the brutality of the sport by comparing it to other "more brutal" sports seems awfully foolish.

What is terribly tragic about this - is that this will only change these people's behavior in so far as NEXT time they will actually try and make it SEEM like they are doing legitimate work. I would guess that that means that instead of having this student write a paltry one paragraph paper - that they would just have

Indeed the commenting system seems to get progressively shittier with each iteration. I am beginning to wonder if this is some sort of fucked up Shia LeBeouf performance art piece.

As numerous other people have tried to explain to you - who seems so unwilling to assimilate NEW information - MOST FOOD BORNE ILLNESS IS NOT FROM BACTERIA OR VIRUSES CARRIED BY THE FOOD PREPARER. Most of them come from CROSS CONTAMINATION. Gloves DO NOT PREVENT THIS - and as many others have said OFTEN FACILITATE IT,

Well you answered my earlier question.

Yes I do remember the Titanic EXPLODING now that you mention it. Too many airbags I am sure. I guess the movie wasnt that accurate after all.

Were these people in GM automobiles when they were thrown off the mountain by the deployed airbags?

Please back up your claim with EVIDENCE.

I did - and found nothing - in fact I found the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you are speaking of. Again <b>LINK</b> what youre talking about and stop telling people to do their own search queries to find whatever it is you are speaking to.

Do you not curate some of the comments? The "Top Comment" is now someone decrying the effectiveness of what may very well be a life saving device - with literally no supporting evidence. Pretty well undermines the post - especially since there isnt much to the post if you dont read the link out.

Why not just link to some of said stories instead of shilling for MS's search engine?

YES! I still havent quite figured out the mechanics. Ill pick a line to get to say an extraction point - and get 80% of the way there only to have my character wall cling/run instead of mantling or what have you. So instead of looking awesome - half the time i get almost there and just brute force double jump/mantle

what game is that.

Considering it was a turning point for a new field of health science - I would consider it of import to history. You could argue that a great deal of history is ghoulish - in many cases like this quite literally - but that doesnt make it simply voyeurism.

The lack of self-awareness is clearly universal though.