He got paid for those articles, so it was a commercial context so your asinine argument (which doesnt really hold water) does not even APPLY.
He got paid for those articles, so it was a commercial context so your asinine argument (which doesnt really hold water) does not even APPLY.
Yes please dismiss my opinion because you are interpreting it as being xenophobic, even though I took care to make sure to mention Nintendo specifically and not any other Japanese developer, because I have no idea how they go about actually getting their games to market - whereas everyone knows Nintendo - and most…
I cant argue one's opinion, but you are essentially chiding western/other developers for not doing what Miyamoto is doing, which is something that they probably have literally no control over. (not so different from the meme blaming Obama for everyone's individual problems - over which he has no control) You are also…
What I am getting at is not what you are talking about. A lot of developers have ZERO influence on marketing. Nearly all of them are very passionate about their job.
Just because Nintendo merges the two practices doesnt mean that its common EVEN IN JAPAN. Nintendo PUBLISHES their OWN games - which means its their money…
BUT HOW MANY MB IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was about the dumbest possible way you could have interpreted that.
You must have a HUGE persecution complex.
You are confusing developing and marketing.
Have you ever actually tried to do this? Its not that easy - and people tend not to be compliant - and it takes quite a while to get a sheriff to even think about enforcing a judgment.
So yeah if you are cool with spending up to tens of hours dealing with the courts to get a judgment that the other party may try not to…
I love how we can throw words around like persecution and discrimination - in the most benign of contexts - when those words are actually supposed to CARRY SOME WEIGHT.
Methinks if this makes you feel persecuted - its more of a "you" problem - as this seems a lot more reminiscent of the "war on xmas" than whatever it…
Since it is clearly making reference to the more magical aspects of whatever religion it may or not portray, I really dont see a problem with it. Of course I am not a voodoo priestess - so I dont find it personally offensive - but i think i can take a more objective stance...
Since when do we have to be culturally sensitive to people who believe in MAGIC?
because discrimination along religious lines is not the same as most other types of discrimination? Also because Jez hates AA - no other reason.
If this were truly an issue - then we would have to go on and on (more than we already do i suppose) about the many things that poke fun at Christians that fuel their…
because outrage over this is entirely bullshit and is only tied to their hatred for American Apparel?
merp- i dont really care either way... You can CHOOSE your beliefs - and if someone pokes fun at them (as they have the right to) because they think that they are silly - I suppose you are entitled to be outraged.
Does that mean anyone else should really care? No I dont think so... This isnt the same thing as sexism,…
I think it is all "ancient" breeds (ones with DNA closest to their wild ancestors) not just the spitzes.
Its kinda hard for me to get mad at anyone not taking religion too seriously.
Thats funny... Writers always seem to gloss over actual maps/architecture even when they are the ones building the world...
I remember Joe Hill talking about this with regard to Locke and Key. which largely revolves around an old very large house, where he dreamed up impossible panels because he never actually…
While I agree some artists and creative teams lack central focus - the rest of your argument assumes that other people are actually qualified to manage people whose jobs they largely dont understand. I dont buy that.
You have only played it LATELY then. When I played FO:NV when it was still pretty new on 360 it was riddled with bugs that would crash and often corrupt your game...
When I finally made it to new vegas I couldnt leave one of the casinos in Vegas without the game freezing - until someone came up with what seemed to be a…
who knows maybe they arent nitpicking and are retooling large storyline portions? I could see how they would take action to change that - but most of the underlying stuff - game engine, character and art assets seems pretty damn polished even for their standards... Of course more (or different) storyline means more…