
Its also Sriracha... So many people seem to think that Huy Fong's Rooster Sauce is the only (if not original) incarnation - when it is merely the most ubiquitous.

I think you mean - so that they can start work on the Ron Swanson spinoff -

Ron's Wonderful World of Carpentry.

"everyone" is a huge stretch. Like they said - exclusivity helped make a partnership possible between small startup dev and big $$$ behemoth. Without that partnership, Titanfall probably doesnt exist...

In an ideal world, good devs get funded and games are available for all, world peace etc. etc.

I dont hold it like that, but the controller is still awfully uncomfortable after about 30 minutes of play or so... I dont notice it with my X360... Of course, Ive heard the opposite too, so it probably depends on hand size etc. as well.

i have gotta say you are off the mark there... My experience as a male athlete is much more akin to that of your own experience - though I will say that every team I played on did have competitive people - so personal performance was also highly regarded.

I also never saw much of what the author describes, but I also

Citing "A League of Their Own" as proof of today's sexism is nonsensical. The whole movie is about triumphing over prevalent sexist attitudes of the time (over 60 years ago) - SO OF COURSE it will have egregiously (though probably historically accurate) sexist scenes in it.

There are plenty of modern (relevant)

Utter derpitude.

The finger point at the end also kinda makes this a dive, even if it began unintentionally.

what i found disconcerting was the fact that they always said undercover AND off-duty officers... I dont necessarily blame the LEOs that were there as part of their job (depending on extent of involvement) HOWEVER the OFF DUTY guys that were there ostensibly for shits and giggles. Those assholes need to have the book

I think that the story is great, but that video reminds me of slideshows someone might have had to endure at early 90s weddings.

Could you not have posted an actual video of them skateboarding?

Whoever thought of shining leaves with mayonnaise deserves to be shot.

I would guess that they are marketing it to the people who are least likely to be insured - who will also do the least to drive up costs - and probably would in fact BRING DOWN premiums.

Dont know why there arent women specifically - could be stupid omission - or perhaps they are insured at higher rates - or perhaps

Thats kinda what i thought too... I also wonder if thats what most condoms (that people actually bought and used) looked like in the 90s....

Super Fun Night is pretty terrible. I have liked Rebel Wilson in most of her film roles up to now, but it seems like the show is just based on her making fun of how fat she/how much she eats/how she is hungry and not really anything else - except crippling depression trying to be hidden by nonchalance.

Yeah the redesign is awful, but they still have some good writers - it can just be hard to figure out where their shit is because to my knowledge there isnt a way to search using a utility in the site - youd just have to google search and find it that way.

I am pretty sure that Gawker has a very cozy (business) relationship with them considering they crosspost with Deadspin and crosslink all sorts of Gawker sites articles (Jez, Gawker, Giz etc.)

Can we please not blame Biology Online when they did the right thing here and did it swiftly? I really dont know what else you would do in this situation to remedy it - sometimes assholes get hired - it isnt always indicative of systematic horribleness.

Someone does something right and we still poke them in the eye?

Kinda goes without saying since they dont release "Gaming PC v. 1.0 to v. 10.0"

That is crazy. It has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with preference.

Most of the inverted people I know - all started gaming on a PC - whereas the "others" generally had consoles. Dont know if thats actually representative of most gamers, but I can tell you people's preference is not a reliable

We already covered that - and i was speaking to MY personal tastes - which I must say I am intimately familiar with. Like I said in another post - its really heavy on resource management - and cost benefit analysis (in the most literal sense since all costs are measured in $) - and i do enough of that in "real" life.