
Gearbox hasnt quite gotten that stingy. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep was pretty content laden and i think it retails for $15 - but it also comes as part of the season pass for a good discount and has been on sale a number of times on XBL since its release.

They should base the price on effort (ie how much work

This kinda sucks... I feel like the core game of Diablo 3 was awfully short - and didnt really deserve the $60 price tag considering how much actual content there was.

Im just weird in some respects. For instance i dont like RTS games because it feels too much like work for me (resource management and logistics just isnt my idea of fun). I feel like Monopoly is in kinda the same boat for me.

especially since they both make it seem like nothing.

I dunno man, Monopoly is AWFUL. Not just in its ability to piss everyone off - but in that it isnt really fun in the first place. These games (save maybe Werewolf) at least SEEM interesting to me - whereas if I am forced to play monopoly the best mood I am hoping for is probably boredom.

i mean i am kinda bad about shopping at LCBS esp since i moved. I mostly just get TPBs for series i like online. They sit nicer on a shelf anyway and you can see what they are since they have spines.

Proprietary media for home consoles is stupid. Hopefully that was one of the takeaways.

I read a lot of "spandex" comics as a kid and young teen - and kinda drifted away from it altogether. Watchmen and Ben Templesmith's Wormwood got me interested again, and i have been reading more independent stuff ever since - BPRD and Hellboy being the closest thing coming to a traditional book - and others like CHEW

Where is the overwhelming din of "Librul PC POLICEEEE!" now that we know for a fact that his argument is completely unsupported?

Except - arrogance often lies upon a foundation of said insecurity. People only behave like Kanye when they feel they have something to PROVE - which means he thinks he hasnt accomplished that yet.

That is some crazy shit right there. How much cognitive dissonance does it take to ignore the fact that he breaks convention with his entitled arrogance? The VMAs and a shitload of interviews where he constantly talks about his own awesomeness come to mind.

Pretty sure most attendees (not just "white boys") at awards

A little NSFW tag would go a long way here. Dont get me wrong article is interesting and I dont find naked people to be personally upsetting, but my employer may not appreciate my POV on the subject.

Or perhaps she is lying about the lambskin deal altogether. Thats what i immediately thought.

He was awesome in that movie though... I was hoping for a bit more of his unabashed creepiness.

That is HILARIOUS... Mostly because I guess I am one of those awful people that doesnt really care to hang out with small children. Most of my friends with kids usually try to make it EASIER to come visit them (once they get past the initial baby stage) because they so desperately want to hang out with people their

Hopefully Michael Cera will last a little while longer this time.

I think it would encompass vitrually all of them? Especially the Komen-related ones.

Does the "skip chapter" (or whatever the FF with a solid line at end is called) not skip 30 sec. already on DirecTV?

Maybe its a better method but I still just use FFx3 and hit it a second after the show pops up and it cuts back to the end of the last commercial.

The crux of the article is that teams with these names give rise to behavior that is highly questionable and often blatantly offensive. Not whatever it is youre thinking.

I would say that that contingent is soooo small that the joke doesnt really make sense.