
I think people are more mindful of cyclists in Boulder since people are so used to seeing and sharing the road with them. I have nearly gotten hit in Denver, and some of the city drivers clearly just dont give a shit. I try to take bike lanes and greenways where I can, but sometimes you have to hit the streets to make

I think a lot - bit not most - (bi)cyclists try to comply. Even in Denver - which is supposed to be extremely bike-friendly - there are streets that I will take to the sidewalks on, especially after nearly getting hit when occupying a portion of one lane lawfully. Its harder to subscribe to that mentality and set the

That is crazy talk - just like the people crying HIT and RUN. I would stop for nearly anyone I hit, because I am not a shithead. If I was surrounded by a mob of bikers whose intentions were unclear and seemed hostile? Sorry about your friend, but I have to fuck off quickly to the police station.

Only when its fresh and when you know there are no UTIs or other infections that can live in urine.

Urine also goes septic pretty quickly though and spreading someone else's all over shit people are going to touch - doesnt really seem all that healthful.

Since this only applies to TOURISM - socioeconomic factors would play less of a role as truly impoverished people (esp. in China where credit is a bit harder to get) wouldnt have the money or means to leave China.

problem is - the video in the post youre talking about - most of those werent fouls but GIFTS clearly intended for specific recipients. Foul balls are fair game for anyone - but if youre that dick in the clip that tackled the 8 year old down a set of concrete stairs (this applies to really anyone - the fact that it

Well baseball games are non-stop riveting excitement with no breaks in the pace of the play.

That is honestly fucking ridiculous. I am one of the people that literally cannot eat certain food - i.e. I literally gag or vomit when I eat certain bitter foods like broccoli, but that doesnt mean I am picky or unadventurous. I have also tried things that I found out I dont like and things that I love.

There is

Well I mean he is quoting the Bible after all - and those passages and numerous others point to non-procreative sex as being fornication, regardless of safety and consent. The only people who believe otherwise are moderates who take the cafeteria style approach to religion - which seems kind of disingenuous.

I mean if

He really means procreative sex for that matter - so consensual monogamous sex even with your spouse is considered off limits.

I am only speaking about trophy hunters - the kind who employ guides on trips costing thousands. I have spoken to plenty of guides and park rangers who deal directly with these people, and almost all of them dont really care about the meat of the animals they are hunting - they just want heads and horns.

I know plenty

That is bullshit. What trophy hunters are REQUIRED by law to do (dont know about Africa but I am familiar with some of the US state laws) and what they ACTUALLY DO are usually not the same thing.

While there may be regulations in place to govern the few people acting on good faith, if you think that the majority of

We dont agree. I agree with the OP that this is fucked. Not because someone shot an animal, but bc some trophy hunting asshole shot a specific species/animal. Nothing says I dont give a fuck about the world I am going to do whatever I want like this kind of behavior. Assholes need to realize just how insignificant

You set up the dumbest fucking straw men and false choices here you know. It is as if not agreeing with this trophy hunting bullshit has anything to do AT ALL with hunting or fishing for food. If you hunt or fish - you should eat what you kill - or not take it. You also shouldnt kill internationally protected species

Yeah I see a soup kitchen right there in the background with starving villagers waiting for elephant meat, since like i said the elephants always make sure to make butchering them really easy by walking into town where the hunters lie in wait - tingling with the anticipation that they finally have an opportunity to

I am pretty sure the dude in the above video is also not a starving villager, but we can conveniently ignore that fact.

Im pretty sure that the elephants dont die right next to butchers and processors. These people probably dont have cars either - and that wouldnt matter because where most of these are shot - the roads are mostly unimproved. So breaking down and transporting a 3500+lb carcass that could be hundreds of kilometers away,

What kind of bullshit troll comment is this exactly?

Pretty sure no one needs to eat elephant - and this asshole certainly doesnt need to. There are plenty of animals to hunt that arent on the brink of extinction due to poaching (that people dont really eat for the most part), so what in the holy fuck are you talking

Well given the fact that there are more guns in the hands of American civilians now than there ever has been in the history of the Union - and they dont seem to be all that honest, perhaps your argument is based upon a false premise?

Please answer the inverse of that question with one link to credible counter example and then I might consider doing your research for you.