
Anyone (even ardent Braff fans) would have a really hard time explaining how the next Garden State isnt a selfish vanity project. My dislike for him and his films just make it sting much worse.

You cant do this sketch without mentioning the horrible trend of celebrity/super rich KS vanity projects like Zack Braff's sequel to the god awful Garden State.

Please explain the top of mind counterexample of Zach Braff's highly successful KS.

For me - simplicity. Not having a bag that I carry around all the time means I only care the absolute essentials - keys, phone, wallet. Also prevents me from ever setting down said stuff and losing it or having it stolen.

If I am carrying stuff I just wear a backpack. IMO its the least obstructive, most functional form

Why are people surprised when top atheletes turn out to be culturally deaf and/or complete idiots?

She has dedicated her whole life to tennis - so I doubt she has much time for personal development. It definitely shows. We should ask Ryan Lochte what he thinks about it. I dont know that it would be as abhorrent, but it

How does anyone think that making her right arm (left in PS'd pic) look like some flaccid noodly appendage could be attractive. Unless FSM is the Editor in Chief I would advise against it.

I get the HP comparison (solely because of the subject) but I agree with the spirit of the point entirely. I guess GoT/ASoIaF is only because its obvious, because it is one of the few fantasy franchises that went mainstream in earnest (and the most recent - even though its over a decade old), and is certainly top of

Im glad that this doesnt just strike the male readers (like me) as odd. I wasnt aware that GoT wasnt gender neutral (especially given the wide array of genders among pro/antagonists).

While it has little effect on Constitutional Law, justices put precedence on the drafter's intent when examining constitutional law - and in this case the Treaty of Tripoli is helpful tool in gaining insight to what they were thinking at the time.

The thing that should be most striking about the Treaty of Tripoli is

"I’m proud we are standing up for religious freedom in our state. Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom from (MY SPECIFIC) religion (and no other)."

How is that so many legislators cannot grasp basic legal concepts?:…

It has nothing to do with that at all. Christmas is already pervasive and unavoidable and most people dont mind, but this is clearly an imposition on the rule of law and anyone who isnt a Christian - as it confers rights that literally no one else has to a group that already enjoys privileges that no one else has.


Do you not remember when he booked a huge stadium and had a huge "Pray for Rain" event? I mean that literally.

If he thought that would work (and every indicator says he did think it would work - despite the fact the drought got worse), then why not try to curry God's favor by endorsing thoughtless consumerism on his

Their definition of "aggravated harassment" is so ridiculously broad that they could probably apply it to nearly every missive anyone has ever written if they wanted to.

I love the concern trolling on A VIDEO GAME BLOG.

Just because its normal to be fat in America doesnt mean we should do things like provide them with clothing options. How can we properly shame them all if they insist on hiding all that adipose tissue under CLOTHES!

Silly fat people, clothes are for skinnies.

Deltoids tend to inspire spontaneous ejaculation after all.

It is kinda funny how that sounds like he means that the models will not be attractive at all vs. being above and beyond "semi-attractive."

Considering that person alleges widespread sexism in Sesame Street without linking any articles in the past two decades - with almost no one backing them up on Jez - I would think it is safe to say it is probably unfounded.

Some people seem to be actively looking for sexism in any sort of media - and a lot of those