
You do realize that this was a recent development, right?

It is also largely a response to their huge losses in various market sectors - they are kowtowing to gamers because THEY HAVE TO. If they dont that turd is going to keep circling the drain more and more quickly.

It really does go to show that you percieve what you want, not necessarily what is actually there.

You can feel free to continue to think that I am some angry white man if that is somehow comforting for you. You would at least be partly right I suppose, even if you are completely offbase about my temperment and

Talk about a persecution complex...

When exactly did I call you crazy? I cant seem to find it ANYWHERE.

I should have realized having a conversation with you would be entirely futile since you communicate more efficiently with GIFs than with language.

The reason why IS BECAUSE YOU CANNOT JUST MAKE UP YOUR OWN LEXICON. The assholes that you are railing against do the exact same thing - as well as Christian Dominionists, white people with persecution complexes and all sorts of other horrible people who twist our objective language to suit their means - which are

also fitting to reply with what many could consider is a mildly racist gif. Dont you just love WHITE GIRLS CRYING!!!


This is a case of you reading into my statements whatever the hell it is you want to.

I never once implied that being white was somehow a hindrance or made me more likely a target for anything. In fact, I said the EXACT OPPOSITE - which again is that whites by and large experience no institutional racism (here anyway -

So like I said - since your argument is that only the most aggrieved race can experience racism - which race is the only that gets to legitimately claim racism in your twisted world?

I am guessing it is whichever race(s) you belong to?

I think it is more that they are saying that your attempting to change an inherently vain, vapid, self-absorbed industry that is by many accounts detached from objective reality and mostly doesnt give two shits about ethics is almost certainly futile.

Please do not equate the Fashion Industry with everything else. The

Please explain what that means also. By your logic only the most aggrieved race can cry racism. This seems to preclude all sorts of other American minorities from experiencing racism, when I know for certain that that is not the case.

Almost every race has experience institutional racism in the US (though with whites

Yes because that definition that is widely used after centuries of debate by lexicographers is so clearly biased - in that it is 100% egalitarian.

See my other response above. It is racism, by its very literal definition - it just isnt institutional (ie in no way subjugates whites "as a whole"). You cannot just make up your own definitions for words.

Granted not all racism is equal, but that is why we have other words to better describe different sorts. I would

Dictionaries disagree.

Racism (in its most concise definition) is hatred or intolerance of another race or races.

Ere go, there is MOST CERTAINLY racism against whites. What you are talking about is INSTITUTIONAL RACISM - which is a subset. White people are very rarely the victims of institutional racism (esp here in US

Nature abhorrs a vacuum - and sadly there is a big market for this sort of writing - and it is driven almost entirely by women.

If it werent this guy it would just be some other asshole.

did you reply to the wrong person?

By assimilate I mean become a contributor to society - not become some caricature of Ted Nugent or whatever it is you think that I am implying.

I dont really see why you feel the need to vehemently defend this ultra-religious sect. They have established themselves within cultures that find their Bronze Age mentality a

Derp.... Where does it say illeterate? Nowhere, that's where.

Of course they are speaking about the native tongues of the countries IN WHICH THEY RESIDE (though ours isnt legally established - English is beyond ubiquitous).

You make the implication that there exists "Science that suggests that genetic modification has unforeseen consequences." - and yet there is nothing there but an empty platitude.

Start here:…
and click all the links to the sources. Plenty of anti-GMO studies (and myths) are either

sadly, nutrition is one of those fields that seems to keep changing its tune due to new data and studies. This is great for progress and future generations, but horribly confusing for consumers now. Food and farm lobbies do a lot to add even more noise to the data. I cant recall how many foods were "bad" when I was a

Please cite peer-reviewed scientific studies. I have read quite a bit about GMOs and the only negatives I have seen are overzealous seed-producers filing suit againts farmers whose crops were cross-pollinated with GMOs by no fault of their own. Also, I have read plenty of scientific articles on their safety - and