
Food labeling and tracking isnt this easy magical thing that you may think it is. Also, the only real reason for labeling is misinformed paranoia, but no lets pass on unnecessary food costs to everyone - and overstretch already overworked food safety regulators so idiots can convince themselves that they are safer.

Your argument is pretty stupid. Clearly she abides by more laws than most citizens do - otherwise ICE probably would have attempted to deport. Many people dont see living and breathing here (esp. when she is likely paying out FICA/Soc Security and payroll taxes) as breaking the law.

Good for you that your parents were

Your assertion is based on the silliest sort of semantics. She is "undocumented" - as that is now a preferable description to "illegal." People have been forcing this trend for a while - as illegal tends to make people think that they are criminals - aside from their immigration status.

Your other crazy bullshit

Being talented and disciplined does not preclude one from being crazy (especially in creative fields).

Also, knowing his idealogical affiliations and his vast wealth, I am not sure colleagues would badmouth him for fear of litigation or worse - and they may very well be bribed to speak fondly of him.

Point taken. I understand the context issue, but I certainly wouldnt equate anyone thinking Heche is crazy to sexism. Tracy Morgan still has a little ways to go to get into that territory, but Tom Cruise and a becy of others seems pretty apples to apples, and i certainly think that he is (as) crazy (Cruise) as well.

It, like many things, does affect property value. Long grass is usually a sign of the house being rented by ill-equipped tenants (bad for property value) or is currently unoccupid pending sale/foreclosure (also very bad).

The tip for you would be to not live in neighborhood with well-groomed lawns. If you move into a

Is she not crazy though (all signs point to yes)?

If we were to gloss over her craziness and accept it as "acceptable female behavior" I think it would set back the feminism movement decades.

Some people are crazy. Some of those crazy people are women. It would be kind of sexist not to acknowledge that since there are

It is also worth noting that some of the sites that aggregate the data do a really poor job of making the info usable. Every site that I have seen when looking through them (usually at the home of a friend who has children) groups all sex offenders together - and makes virtually no distinction as to the nature of the

It should also be noted that it can be really hard to tell what the offenses were from these rolls as well as sites like watchdog (or whatever it is called). They tend to put all offenders on the same plane - so you have some people that engaged in consensual acts, some people convicted of indecency (sometimes as

I think it has more to do with socioeconomic status and groupings moreso than race - and given the high level of whiteness in Suburbia when I was growing up - that usually meant that white people had similar experiences to me. I would bet that if we had a more diverse neighborhood/local community - my friends at a

I suppose I wasnt aware that Texas was a diverse utopia. My personal experience in the southeast does kind of reflect that statement... In middle and high schools people did self-segregate, whereas before (elemetary etc.) race seemed like less of a factor. This is probably driven by a number of social factors not

That is when they rely on their oft-overused No True Scotsman fallacy. Their marriages failed because they werent loving Christ right, not because of something like interpersonal issues, financial struggles, etc.

I am not worried about that. I am worried that it will affect interpersonal and work relationships though. Having grown up and worked in Alabama for quite some time (no longer) - some people can be quite hostile to atheism - and a lot of those people are hiring managers. Best not to wear non-theism on your sleeve in

Yeah TOATS. She totally did absolutely NOTHING like, for instance, be critical of women's images on National Television, which is far more than most of her peers do.

What a bitch, she should totally gain 50 pounds before she has the right to have an opinion.

I do get your point, but I really dont think she was speaking to the "archetype of femininity" and was only talking about herself.

So funny how someone can hear someone say something and interpret it 1,000,000 different ways. I dont think ascribing the most negative possible interpretation would accurately reflect her

And walk it off, like a true player.

Ppppsssshhhh.... Capitalism and ownership is soooo last generation.

If she were religious maybe she would blame God instead. I mean assuming he is real - thats a pretty dick move knocking down a shitload of peoples houses and inflicting Wolf Blitzer on them afterward - all while inflicting death on countless people in other countries. Glory!!!

It isnt "creepy" but it is a dick move IMO. Even if I was religious (i am not) - it would seem like an odd time to be thankful, standing atop the rubble of my old neighborhood with people suffering widely. Not a time to be thinking of giving great thanks.

Can we get a fact-checker here?

My respect for the vagina notwithstanding, I would bet that Shaq almost certainly has to be the product of a Cesarean.