
There is also a P&T Bullshit! episode on the whole of the ADA - that largely deals with frivolous lawsuits - mostly from one particularly litigious asshole who also happens to be disabled.

It also deals with the fact that a lot of disabled people find themselves much harder to employ, becuase people fear new lawsuit

Her act isnt all shock comedy (the show def tends toward that though). I do think that the audience is to blame a bit for that because she has probably tailored her act over time to that to a degree knowing it meant ticket sales (and/or more work).

I remember seeing her on Last Comic Standing - and I wouldnt have

Why on earth does this link out to a "full" article?

? That seems like a pretty irrational reactionary response... Some people have irrational phobias and some things just freak people out. I seriously doubt that this has anything to do with some deep-seeded misogyny here - and you do a disservice to many people by even using that term in this case - thereby watering

Wow that is a lot of assumptions. I wouldnt surmise that most female patients are anything like you - just like I wouldnt assume most male patients are anything like me. I don't think that those people are idiots necessarily, but a lot of people put all of their trust in their doctors (do little to no outside research

You were stressing the wrong word reading their response.

It would read easier if it was:
Pretty sure THAT mental illness doesn't actually exist.

It is ambiguous, but not necessarily wrong.

Strangely Hypnotic...

Don Johnson comes to mind, though I think he is probably a bigger cockmonster IRL.

You are ignoring a pretty simple argument here. People are trying to FORCE the criminals to CIRCUMVENT ONE MORE LAW. We are only trying to make purchases MORE DIFFICULT for criminals and those with mental health issues.

Making purchasing arms EASIER for criminals seems pretty silly to me.

By your logic, no gun control

Why exactly are people surprised that a CATHOLIC school is treating women differently? This does make a pretty good case for disallowing tax deductions for parochial school expenses, and really churches generally.

So are you one of those dicks that keeps talking in movie theaters and speaking engagements when you are in the audience? Even if they werent saying anything offensive, they should have SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I love all of the backhanded compliments... How do you know that this is patronizing exactly? I am sure it SEEMS that way through our eyes, but Singapore is not the US.

Yeah no. I knew and worked with a great deal of Republicans - and while they could "deal" with gay people - the vast majority couldnt even comprehend why they would want to marry in the first place.

Thanks for the link... Googling at the time this was posted yielded almost new info.

I know all of these things (after hearing a lengthy piece on the topic on NPR and then all of the articles that followed in the coming days), but the fact is that their cultures are by and large male-dominated with women often taking submissive roles (this of course depends on the tribe and local community) suggests

You - mere mortal - underestimate the power and magnitude of the Colbert Bump.

If she were on the Colbert report and he was running for office - he would be referred to the same way. Its driven by celebrity - not gender.

I would say almost certainly YES. This has nothing to do with him being a male - and everything to do with the fact that he is extremely famous - while the rest of his family is not.

In fairness - Stephen's awesomeness is more than enough for 12 kids combined. I just hope she is also awesome - SC needs it I am sure.

Is there anywhere that any sort of facts on the case?