
She seeks out Pyat Pree in the books knowing the warlocks favor would help her in waging war. That is the whole reason they stay at Qarth after her host is fed and rested (whether it be looking for ships, warriors, etc)

Meh... The Qarth thing is probably the silliest bit for me. The books just didnt pay as close attention to Dany during the War of Five Kings, but i think that the showrunners wanted to give her more screen time - and figured all of the normal stuff happening in Qarth wouldnt sate viewers needs for blood/boobs etc.,

I like some of the deviations, but the scene in Qarth with Pyat Pree was over the top... That guy is way too GD powerful for anyone to realistically challenge him. I am wondering why he even needed Xaro to execute his plan, and if he can do all of these things, why not just Dany, Jorah, the rest of her host and Xaro

In all fairness we didnt really get much insight into Tywins character in the books - since we only see him through the eyes of his kids - and Tywin is certainly a dick to his kids in the show, but we get to see him outside of his role of authoritarian patriarch in his interactions with others (which we dont get to

Id agree mostly, except when they appear to be changing the personalities a bit too much... Cersei seems to have too firm a grasp of reality in the show (vs. the book) and seems almost rational and likable in this episode. I dont remember ever thinking that about her when i was reading.

The whole 2012 as the end of the Mayan calendar has always been a bunch of crap... Smarter people than myself have long said that the Mayan calendar is supposed to be cyclical - and while 2012 is at one "end" its a circle - which means that the cycle starts over and that there is in fact no "end" to it at all.

I hadnt heard of that (the decomp theory), but i have seen fossils of various prehistoric reptiles that at least appear to have had small feathers... I do doubt that they would have any sort of true "hair" but may have something more akin to down.

perhaps, but like lizards they would be inside of him... unless of course he is copulating, and I am pretty sure he isnt in the above pics.

He may actually have 2 (hemipenises) - and (if im not mistaken) they are usually internal, except, um, "when needed."

Thats news to me... and everyone else here on Earth.

In all fairness you dont really see much of him in the books - its more all of his children reminiscing about how much of an asshole he was at various points in their lives with little actual interaction with him in real time.

the more obvious shop would involve a toilet somewherez

Saltboy has the right of it... I havent noticed anywhere where it appears to be moving under its own power - you can see plenty of bits of debris moving in the current - so the fact that its moving doesnt mean its doing it under its own power - and it doesnt appear to me that it is moving... The reason that they are

Huh? A graphic novel is generally just 5+ issues of a comic bound together. They are essentially interchangable. Not sure how one is different than the other aside from the amount of pages - and the fact that the collected editions usually contain one story arc as opposed to a fragment of one.

Im guessing you read the books first? I saw the movie first (probably a couple times) and then read the books... I still really like both. Also, Id say that Scott Pilgrim is not a hipster movie (or comic) because it takes pride in its nerdy references and isnt doing them ironically (or rather cynically), but rather as

Ghost World would make more sense... Not that many people saw American Splendor (I did and really liked it), and i dont know if it was a book adaptation so much as a biopic of Pekar - during the time he would have been writing the book.

Also the cheesy ass growl that makes its return in the next movie...

Meh... I liked that movie, but mostly for its style... It was fairly mediocre save the sets and costumes.

Definitely... The "inner dialogue" is very hard (or impossible) to capture visually... They have probably done the best job of it with Tyrion.

Its weird that they would use that term WRT GRRM's POVs... Id argue that they are far from omniscient - and can even be unreliable - though not in the Holden Caulfield "unreliable narrator" sort of sense.