
The bit that I had read (from the hyrax page) drew most of the correlations by way of teeth, mouthparts etc. so I had wrongly assumed that they hadnt compared DNA sequences. I guess biologists are doing a pretty good job sequencing most species now??

Their use of deus ex machina may not even rival their American counterparts.

I do wonder if they every actually mentioned the YMCA... I'd bet that they'd have been super pissed given that they dont want their members to fear random shower rapings... Id also guess that they wouldnt want to be affilliated with homosexuality, but they do seem to be much more liberal and accepting than most

I couldnt say... Also i think that they decided their "closeness" on the basis of old taxonomy practices (ie common traits) vs actual genome sequencing... Biology certainly interests me but I am definitely no expert, as I have no professional qualifications- more a great curiousity.

Yeah no... Its the INVERSE of that... Elephants are THEIR closest living relative, which does not in any way imply that they are elephants closest living relatives.

Id rather have hot sand thrown in my face.

At first it almost seems more like a really weird urban Marvel version of Deliverance than some weird homophobic dalliance. It is pretty out there though...

meh. I dunno about Battleship. Its pretty obvious that it has nothing to do with the game - and I dont think there were as many people who were fervent Battleship "fans" as were Transformers.

It sure didnt feel like a victory... I cant even get one person to realize how hyperbolic and invalid their arguments are so i think maybe I failed.

Some people are stupid. Those people - who would expect an epic saga when seeing GI JOE- arent worth arguing with and arent really a topic of this conversation.

Me: I thought that movie was terrible

In case you fail to read the entirety of my last post... I didnt like Transformers becuase I didnt find it entertaining and I hate Bay's camera work (also Shia) - not for any of the bullshit reasons that you seem to think I didnt like it.

You completely misunderstand my point... Reading comprehension fail?

Yeah no... I dont like constant jump cuts where no shot last longer than a second.

Until they can start carrying small barrels of brandy around their necks to warm my cold bones, call me unimpressed.

Did that REALLY happen? I mean seriously... Someone actually said that they would like cats if they helped rescue people from AVALANCHES? Seeing as how that danger doesnt exactly affect that many people - that is a really odd out of the blue to say or even think for that matter.

People still legitimately hate Transformers . I cant be the only one who just hates how Michael Bay does movies... And the people that defend them always use some BS straw man argument like "Well you shouldnt have expected Schindler's List...". Sorry, but that makes no sense. NO ONE was expecting Schindler's List, I

If it is such crap why even watch it (or DL it) at all? I dont. I know better.

And what of Cage's role as Big Daddy in KICK-ASS?

This solution is more for when there is out of season frost... If it is a light frost - this would probably help prevent the crystals from forming nearby - greatly reducing the damage to the plants... Its not going to have some overwhelming greenhouse like effect, but a few degrees can make all the difference this