
Considering we werent talking exclusively about military applications, your point is moot.

Largely because we keep investing any potential cancer research dollars into raising breast cancer AWARENESS. At this point I am pretty sure most people are AWARE, and all of that wasted money that is going to administering a huge marketing campaign - could actually go to R&D for treatments/potential cures.

Therein lies the rub... All of that training is done under the auspices that it will be helpful in their performing their duties (whether it instills character or is "practical" training).

Except in that case DHS or CIA is going to take the lead... You have to keep in mind that this is a Brigade - and designed to work as a larger unit - which means that one of them is not going to go off by himself like some field operator (who should have the proper requisite experience)- which would be a much more

You are forcing a ridiculously silly straw man argument here in that having your buddy there is better than completely implausible condition x (ie not having a friend and only having say a telegraph or the Pony Express to communicate)...

depends on how you define easy... Your version of easy could cost millions in logistical support vs. the cost of internet access.

I think traditional sigINT and what they are talking about arent really the same thing... Having said that, having enlistees of either branch do this is kind of silly. These people dont need to the same training as their bretheren in the field, as it would be a waste of their time and our $.

Yeah because "they" cured myeloma YEARS ago, but they buried the research in their secret lab under Yucca Mountain, along with the cure for HIV, diabetes, the "common" cold (clearly engineered by scientists using alien technology circa 6500 BCE), genital warts and hemorrhoids.

Wow... I am willing to bet that you have never taken a public policy class, or have much knowledge in that area.

Well considering heightened levels of sugar intake (or just outright obesity) is NOT linked to skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders - AND overexposure to bromine IS - your comment seems pretty stupid...

Your post is a victim of poor phrasing (should be theres a study that... as opposed to this is how it is)... As much as I like to endorse a study that furthers the case that dogs>cats, this is ONE STUDY, and the conclusion is merely the opinion of the person who conducted the tests.

Good to know how much you hate fat people, and that their plight trumps basic food safety (something I pay for through my taxes and the FDA charter). You sir are a true winner.

Your use of words like "skin legions" betrays your credibility.

Problem solved!!!! Now time for a cigarette break.

actually, the inverse of your last statement would be more true... The world would be better off if there was huge swath of the population incapable of attaining or having sex as it would drastically lower an increasingly hard to sustain and ever growing human population.

No kidding... What a horrible oversight to have it misspelled how many freaking times? I realize editorial oversight is kept to minimum as quantity is valued over quality, but this is just horrible.

If you accept the premise (ie divinity of Christ and the Catholic Church), then his actions make perfect sense.

Still not right. Just because the mechanical outcome does not trigger the jackpot script does not mean that the script is triggered exlcusively by a jackpot win WRT the number generator.

creating a viable analog for something that they actually observed - and fabricating a story or paying actors is fundamentally different than what they did here.