You do a good job at pointing to the silliness of that ideal...
You do a good job at pointing to the silliness of that ideal...
Just because its not false doesnt mean there is even a "story" to be had.
Yeah no. Bells and whistles mean nothing and have no bearing on determining the outcome of your spin or any subsequent spins.
That doesnt necessarily matter either. Sometimes the display malfunctions as well - may not be the case with digital displays, but certainly mechanical ones. As I said above, the machine tracks outcomes so the casino could easily verify the "actual" outcome.
they can easily tell if it was a real win from the data stored. There have been cases where the rollers all match up and it appears to the player that a jackpot is won, but it was simply a mechanical failure. What matters is whether the number generator behind it actually hits the jackpot, and that can be verified.
That is so wrong-headed... First off digital distribution is NOT FREE, and it would not be ALL PROFITS. Simply put you need (at the very least) servers and bandwidth, both of which cost money and overhead eats right into profits - this is of course not mention the salaries of programmers and requisite security/network…
Well they are from NY, where people think that only those from the south can be racist.
I love how the seller's description could double as a script for something that the National Mint is selling on tv.
I am going to just disregard everything you said and chalk up Tebow's W to Divine Providence.
I dont doubt that brain damage may not be too big of an issue in the UFC, where most fighters are doing at most 2 bouts/year, but to blanket that statement over MMA in general is pure folly... The smaller organizations probably have crappier officiating/rule, AND I would venture to guess that some of those guys…
(while pretending to be a man) #corrections
This is why team doctors/staff need to be held responsible for their horrendous decisions... Love how some of that responsibility has been passed long to the officiating crew as well, considering most have zero background in medical fields/neuroscience.
Put our heads in the sand, the same way anyone else does when science proves that their beliefs are no longer tenable.
Wow... Just wow. I had to stop reading at "First, we've both very intelligent." otherwise I might have an aneurysm.
Centaurs have much better throwing motions than Tebow, and can throw off of their back foot.
Thats just silly... Everyone has the right to complain about pretty much anything, whether or not its justified is completely irrelevant.
From everything I have seen, and it isnt much since the owners wont even open up the books for more than two of the smallest market teams, owners ARE making plenty of money.
I dont begrudge you for wanting to "own" a piece, but my larger point is that right now there seem to only be two options for stadium upgrades/maintenance - one being taxes - the other selling what equates to an irredeemable bond. Both options suck, the one with the Pack just sucks a lot less.
You mean THEIR own stadium. You arent really an owner, since you cant get any return on your investment, you have no special rights WRT the facilities and your vote is basically meaningless.
Yeah pretty much... Someone like Saban probably doesnt pay much attention to the scrub players, in fact it wouldnt surprise me if he avoided all eye contact with them so as not to make them think that it would be ok for them to talk to him.