
Your worst take yet! I have to admire being able to top yourself like that. 

But what an amazing instance of using-his-power-for-good this is.

Now playing

He was great in every role, but the first thing that always comes to mind is the Toys R Me sketch. Intimidating and hilarious is a tough combo to pull off.

Chris never made fun of Jada’s “hair loss”. He compared her appearance, to G.I Jane. Pretty sure Jane didn’t have hair loss in that film. Seems you have more issues with his joke about her hair, than she did (all she did was rolled her eyes, Will laughed his ass off... before strutting his thing up on stage, to slap

No one in the world would even remember that joke, positively or negatively, if Will Smith hadn’t reacted in an insane way. It’s the silliest throwaway joke in the world, but it gave us a the world’s worst insight into an insane relationship dynamic.

I saw him live a few weeks ago. A massive detail the AVClub is selectively leaving out, to maximize the outrage you’re supposed to feel, is that he’s pointing out that she cheated on him by sleeping with their teenage son’s friend, and then they took interviews about it as a family. The joke is Will Smith had to sit

I support challenging them, but the point isn’t necessarily to win the debate, for the reasons you described in your previous post. The point is to bring someone else in to address it, so that the conversation occurs over time, not all at once.

But deplatforming JK Rowling doesn’t show anyone that she’s wrong—the only thing it proves is that there is a group of people large enough and loud enough and threatening enough to demand that she be silenced.

Now playing

Color me motherfucking shocked, The AV Club comes out in favor of censorship. Kind of, what are the words I’m looking for, flies in the face of the anti-authoritarianism the club professes.

What she’s saying here isn’t antithetical to what she’s said previously. She’s for open debate and against forced de-platforming. Anyone interested in looking at public statements she’s made prior to whenever it became convenient to start caring can see that she’s been consistent; the issue is that there is an

Yeah, it was part of VH1's Celebriality line-up. It was shoehorned in with Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, Surreal Life, and Celebrity Fit Club.

I’m 29 days sober for the first time in my adult life, and I’m 44. I recently got in touch with an old friend who I haven’t seen in over a decade and it turns out he has brain damage from all the drinking and drugs he did over the years - a lot of them with me, back in the day. I’m glad I got out before something like

Encouraging gay/trans panic and depicting gay/trans panic are not the same thing. There are men out there who definitely would be shocked and disgusted to learn that they were hooking up with someone of the same biological sex, regardless of gender, the same way some men get disgusted by ‘gay stuff’ or being seen

Counterpoint: Ben Carson is a world-renowned neurosurgeon who went through a decade of post-secondary education. He’s also a blithering idiot when it comes to policy or even his own religious catechism, where he seems to believe that the pyramids of Egypt were not monuments to dead people, but gigantic grain silos.

One of Evangeline Lilly’s parents is a teacher, she graduated high school and went on to complete a degree in International Relations at the University of British Columbia, which is a good school. So in her case, she’s not a child star who never got a chance to get a normal person education, she’s just a stone cold

And the Queen’s funeral procession is led by a jug of maple syrup, and a bowl of poutine.

“They’re turning one of my (problematic) favorite comedies into a limited series?

the man who allegedly laid beneath his ex-wife’s car to prevent her from bringing another man her special salad dressing. Or maybe the oversaturation of celebrity gossip adds something to Sudeikis’ portrayal; after all, Ted, too, is an extremely Divorced Dude. Life imitates art, etc. etc.

So just to be clear: we're supposed to hate Jason Sudeikis because of a report from a former nanny that both he and Olivia Wilde denied was true, and also because a process server did their job? Even for present-day AV Club, this is a shockingly bad take.

Just like with his opinions on the Rowling shit, I think it’s perfectly reasonable for an 80 year old working actor to not be up to date on scandals that are mostly discussed on entertainment news websites and Twitter.