I think we have very different ideas about what comedy is and has been throughout human history and what its purpose is. And that’s okay!
I think we have very different ideas about what comedy is and has been throughout human history and what its purpose is. And that’s okay!
Some of the very best comedians often make jokes about terrible things.
I often work with people who are getting out of prison and I help them find work and get on with their lives. I don’t know what more people want from those who victimize others besides: recognize the bad behavior, make amends (and/or just sincerely apologize) to those hurt, and, most importantly, not repeat the…
I think whatever stressors exist today pale in comparison to the stressors of living before antibiotics, food security, civil rights (for women, non-whites, non-straights), cancer treatment, dentistry, etc. I think that this is the greatest time in human history to be alive.
This is the worst form of art criticism. “They didn’t make the work I would have made.”
I’m not sure that I agree with your description of the facts of what he did (“routinely accosted young women comics to whom he made tacit agreements of...opening and middling on the road”). I think it would have been appropriate for him to make offers of compensation to the women who were subject to his negative…
I certainly don’t think you or anyone else who has a negative view of CK is a “weirdo.” And I completely understand your perspective on how his behavior affected your response to his comedy.
I work with people recently released from prison, help them find jobs, get back on their feet and start on a healthier path. Some of them did really bad things, but I have to deal with who they are right now and I can only judge by their current behavior the degree to which they’ve taken responsibility for their…
I’m sure your IVR design is excellent, and who knows, it might even be an inspiration for future generations of designers, all of whom will likely be unaware of your weirdly prideful musical ignorance. All the best!
Yes, I’m sure future generations will pay for and be inspired by your bowel movements. What a perfect comparison!
The hubris here is certainly impressive. I get not liking Plant’s voice, but calling him a hack is to admit to a complete absence of singing experience/knowledge. I could be wrong, though! Why not post a link to you doing something (anything) as well as Robert Plant sings?
If you read the essay by Moses, many of your assertions/beliefs will be challenged. I mean, we should listen to adults who tell us they were abused as kids, right?
One of the teens who Allen slept with claims that Mia was part of the hook-up so take that as you will.
I’ve no intention of going to see the movie. I just think people accused of sexually assaulting children deserve to have all the evidence considered. I certainly don’t want to “stick it” to whatever the “woke mob” is.
I know that few people are aware that separate, extensive investigations by the New York State Department of Social Services and the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of the Yale/New Haven Hospital not only found that there was no evidence of abuse, but also the statements from Dylan had a “rehearsed quality” and that they…
As a quick search reveals several examples, I think a more accurate way of putting that would be, “False accusations of sexual assault are relatively rare, with estimates of occurrence between 2% and 8% of the time.”
An analysis of De Niro’s career is an interesting idea. This article, from its inane headline to the clumsy metaphor-on-metaphor ending, is not interesting at all.
I would be happy if they sincerely addressed their mental health issues, made appropriate reparations to those they harmed, became an advocate and inspiration for people with serious mental health challenges as someone who was able to get on the other side of their living nightmare and continue pursuing their craft.
M*A*S*H* was a comedy, complete with a terrible laugh track.
Definitely agree that most folks don’t want to do higher mathematics or consider long, complicated things (I don’t mind the latter, but the former is beyond me!).