
The vast majority of people who are anti-vax and ignorant of the most basic scientific and historical facts attended “normal standardized school.” A lot of them even did very well in it, because “normal standardized school” relies primarily on obedience as a means to succeed.

While more care should be taken that kids in show biz aren’t treated badly, I don’t know that Ron Howard or Emma Watson or Kurt Russell or Elijah Wood or Christina Ricci or Neil Patrick Harris or Daniel Radcliffe would agree that their parents abused them. Treating all people as if they’re evil makes it harder to spot

Nothing went wrong. Music is more available in a wider variety than ever before in human history. There are currently artists making beautiful songs that sound like they could have been written in any decade and you can listen to them right now. I didn’t care for 80s pop when I was young in the 80s, but bands like

I suspect even Collette and other actors who don’t use “the method” would disagree with you. Different actors (different humans) need different ways to achieve what they achieve. It’s hardly “silly” to find something that works for you (even if it’s weird) and to stick with it. I’m glad that great actors have found

You’ve spent a lot of energy making too many assumptions to count in order to justify the idea that violence is acceptable as a form of communication when someone has disappointed you. I’m very glad there are laws in place to protect vulnerable people from powerful people who agree with you.

There are so many men who regularly hit women who agree with you. Also hair pulling, spitting, spanking, all “very different than a closed-hand (fist) hit.” It’s bad behavior, and emotionally traumatic, no matter how much physical damage it causes.


I’m not sure the best thing to do right now is to engage in baseless speculation.

“Reasonably” is doing a lot of work, here. The vast majority of scientific and public health organizations in the world recognize that 18-year-old humans are “adult.” Young adult, to be sure; more impulsive, to be sure. But the term “adult” is as scientifically accepted as climate change and vaccine efficacy.

There is no scientific evidence that the “decision-making part of the brain” is 1) a single “part” or 2) ever “fully develops.”

If the behavior was stopped 15 years ago and 10 years before it was widely known, responsibility was taken and apologies made, I don’t see why not. People change. That’s the whole point of parole. It’s why we had the “ban the box” campaign. It’s a liberal position. It’s inherently conservative to say that people who

That didn’t really seem like “begging,” did it?

There’s no evidence that his behavior hasn’t changed, is there? He apologized to the women in 2007 and no one has accused him of similar behavior since then. I work with people getting out of prison. Besides recognizing what they did was wrong and not repeating the behavior, what do we expect of people who have done

Now playing

There was a 12 year gap between The Red Shoes and Aerial, so when she reappeared, it was wonderful to hear something new and brilliant.

Sure, but I try not to read the minds of people I don’t know (or even people I do know). Lots of people there laughed at the joke. Mind you, I didn’t find it funny, I just don’t think there’s an objective metric for such things.

You are more thoughtful than a lot of folks here. (Probably including me!)

Lots of women receive “performative” open-handed slaps for offending overly sensitive men, who could have punched them or knocked them out. There are degrees of violence, but slapping someone definitely counts. I’m glad there are laws against it and serious consequences for (some of) those who do it.

It must have been a little funny, because Smith laughed at it.

That’s understandable (even, dare I say, reasonable). But really, if a comedy legend found you when you were questioning your life-choices and proceeded to tell you how much you meant to them, would it be hell? (I understand that comedians are even more neurotic than actors, so there’s no wrong answer.)

I could be wrong, but I suspect that having an internationally beloved and wildly influential artist who’s recognized as one of the best of their generation express their love for your work is something you have to worry about.