“I love him so much for doing that. I really do, because I’ve been paid more for those kinds of things than I ever was for the movie.”
“I love him so much for doing that. I really do, because I’ve been paid more for those kinds of things than I ever was for the movie.”
Did you even read the article? He did go to bat for her and it made a difference. And Chris Pratt was a much much bigger draw than Bryce. Still is. There is no reason he shouldn’t have been paid more than her.
No, he did the right thing.
The responses here are fucking gross. Excusing domestic violence is never ever OK.
I know fans like to construct unofficial Beatles albums using songs from their solo careers, and I’ve always imagined my own faux-Beatles album comprised of diss tracks they wrote about each other, like John Lennon’s “How Do You Sleep?”, Paul McCartney’s “Too Many People”, George Harrison’s “Wah-Wah”, and Ringo…
Ouch! I burned myself on your hot take!
“ keeping the dress made it famous”
Five features (not counting Batgirl), two shorts, and several TV episodes, including two for Ms. Marvel, which they also executive produced.
Oh no! Warner was always one of my favorites!
At what age can women make their own choices? How do we know that she didn’t seek him out?
Let’s stop this. At 18, you are an adult. She made a choice. She wasn’t groomed, fooled, brainwashed, or enslaved.
We’re denying 18 year olds adulthood now? Well shit.
Agreed - who are any of us to say that someone isn’t entitled to the opportunity to redeem themselves? I suspect that if there was news that Louis CK had gained success in bagging groceries, many people would be “yes-but”ing that success.
She has some longer pieces that I think are just breathtaking
A good list! As always, there are inclusions and exclusions subject to personal taste, but I think it a missed opportunity to not include the track that, like Stranger Things, is strongly influenced by Stephen King:
I don’t think what Dave Chapelle has said or done is hatred towards trans people. Just like when he makes jokes about white people it’s not hate.
Can you imagine if George Carlin were alive today doing stand-up?
Yeah I know. You might hear jokes you don’t like!
People on the left are susceptible to nostalgia for what never was. Not as susceptible as people on the right (since conservatism frequently boils down to ‘change is bad’, it’s inherently going to have a rosier view of ‘the good old days’), but there’s definitely a current of ‘things are getting worse’ which is going…
How were things worse when he died than when his career started?