There's no particular relationship between having a completed script and being a good movie. Turbulent productions can make good movies, and efficient productions can make bad ones. It's not terribly likely that the nth MCU movie, a sequel to one that nobody particularly loved, is going to spin dross into gold. But it…
What really is weird to me about this whole scandal is that CK’s transgressions were both much smaller than those of others outed/processed at the same time (Weinstein, Cosby, Spacey,) he owned up to them immediately, and (unless I missed something) the offenses had all happened during a specific period of time,…
This is a bit lazy, eh? Easier than digging into thorny questions of societal forgiveness, at any rate.
He publicly owned up to it and apologized. He had a megadeal with FX taken away. Comedy clubs were refunding people if customers could not stand to see him and walk out. Millions in tour dates cancelled. A solid 3+ years laying low...and she’s against cancel culture, but wants him to still pay for what he did? All…
I get your point, and I agree.
But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about one specific occasion that happened. (and I’m not excusing him, I clearly said it was not fine)
Bad drugs ≠ overdose.
I was well raised and have also since joined the ranks of doctor-hood like yourself.
Well, it’s either “I don’t give a damn” late or its “I’m dealing with severe issues relating to the pressure I’m under” late.
He gave $20 million to Spellman and talked about how women were leaders and wrote powerful, educated, female characters. You can’t tell by looking. That should be the lesson here.
Just finished Part I and what a stunning contrast it is to Let It Be (movie). It’s vibrant, it’s human, and it’s …definitely for Beatles die-hards who pour over the fly on the wall segments from the Anthologies and Let It Be …naked. I can understand that two and a half hours (just for part 1 out of 3) sitting in with…
So one of those Nuclear Industry Council creeps got to you too, huh?
nobody deserves to have their privacy invaded like that. Pamela can consent to what she wants, but the very nature of this sex tape is about removing the consent and then placing blame on her like you seem to be doing lol. So you’re kind of proving the very point that yes, she is held to a more unfair standard here,…
the bit about not talking to Dunst on set is misleading- in the NYTimes article Dunst talks about how they went to dinner together every week and how wonderfully nice he was. It was ONLY on set that he didn’t talk to her because only on set was he fully in character at all times.
Also let it be said that Penn and Teller are national fucking treasures.
I’m aware of their views. There is very little chance of them implementing them to the extent that gay marriage is actually overturned in any state.
You guys are being wildly pessimistic. Even Trump didn’t run as anti-gay because he knew that was a losing issue. Homophobia still exists, as do homophobic politicians, but most of this has been sublimated toward anti-trans panic. That’s horrible and needs to change to, but the idea that we will be anywhere close to…
Actually LGBTQ+ acceptance is one of the areas where America seems to be making intractable progress.
A. are from people who clearly hate the entire MCU