
Oh, you’re good, my friend. Kudos!

The sex offender registry doesn’t usually discriminate based on gender, as that would limit the number of lives it gets to ruin.

You can call yourself a “liberal” all you want, but what matters is behavior. And calling for an artist to be cancelled because you don’t personally like her songs, while claiming (without any evidence, whatsoever) some kids could be hurt by listening to her, is classic conservative behavior.

“Good role models” and “bad role models” is another argument right out of Christian Conservative Hand Wringing Playbook. Your argument has been appropriately laughed at by liberals for decades, if not centuries, because there’s nothing to it, except terrified claims of non-existent consequences. We’ll have to agree to

This argument is as old as all media, also baseless and fundamentally conservative. Novels, movies, comics, rock and roll, video games, all of them (and their creators) attacked by frightened people who want to make very complicated social issues into simple cases of “cause and effect.”

Keep your hopes high. The gist of the review isn’t that it’s not well-made (and we know that it’s well-loved among critics and audiences, alike), but rather that Iannucci committed what’s seen as a mortal sin among some critics: he made a movie that was different from the one they wanted.

I think the only clue she needs is the fact that she’s a successful and widely respected film maker. Any artist who makes a living doing their art their way is doing it right, even when some people don’t care for it.

I suspect Ms. Chisholm would have mixed feelings about this particular compliment.

I think it’s fantastic that we’re talking about how very badly history has been taught in primary and secondary education. I hope more people start to realize that the same folks who determine what gets taught also determine the ways subjects are taught, along with the requirements for student progression. All of

I can’t believe you’re accusing Hannah Gadsby of such a horrible crime. She seems like a really nice person.

I don’t think Kesey or the film (which he never saw) were suggesting that mental health is unimportant, but rather that the institutions created to address those issues (especially back then) were built on and further developed power dynamics that inevitably do a disservice to the people who are supposed to be helped.

We all want the specific challenges faced by Native Americans and aboriginals all over the world to be effectively addressed. But not only is there zero evidence to suggest that casually using phrases and concepts which have historical cultural/religious importance to Native Americans has any effect, positive or

His larger point aside, Gui DaSilva, an absolutely amazing stuntman who happens to be black, did stuntwork for at least 3 of those 7 movies, including fight scenes Mackie was in, as well as for the Guardians movies and Daredevil. I’d be surprised if there weren’t other black folks behind the scenes who he forgot about

It’s always strange to see people who identify as liberal advocate for putting people in prison who aren’t a threat to public safety or security. It ignores the utter inhumanity of the U.S. prison environment and the encouragement and support it provides to carceral enthusiasts who want even more people in prison (who

Women who have actually been sexually assaulted might take exception to your assertion that masturbating in front of women, uninvited, is the same as “assault.” Also, the law. Also, the English language.

Do you believe that people who employ the services of a man who committed a crime, say, burglary, or let’s say, as it’s more relevant, indecent exposure, are doing the wrong thing? Do you believe that it’s wrong to provide employment to people convicted of previous crimes who have taken responsibility for their

What “crimes” did CK commit? What “power” did he have over the women he masturbated in front of? What should the women who tolerated his behavior do before they can be forgiven? What kinds of penance would you have him do to satisfy you? And, considering he’s acknowledged the wrongness of his actions, apologized to

I think CK’s situation raises lots of questions related to the way people look at criminal behavior. If a person commits a crime, apologizes for it, expresses an understanding that it was wrong, and, most importantly, stops engaging in that criminal behavior, then we generally accept the notion that people can change

These are fantastic shows. But they’re also excellent examples of why it’s unnecessary to “bring school home to your kid.” These shows are filled with messages about empowerment and curiosity and investigation and freedom that are the antitheses of what happens in most schools where the adults tell you what, when,