
This is so brave of Hachette. In the meantime, be sure to check out their gripping memoir from an actual mass-murderer. It could help to distract you from the atrocities of a man who’s never been charged for a crime, but accused of one which is quite reasonably doubted to have ever happened.

But we don’t even really have “a bunch” of 14-year-olds vaping. And it’s reasonable to prioritize our concerns. Binge drinking kills thousands of teens every year. Vaping ecigs kills none, but does make a very few possibly dependent on a drug as hazardous as caffeine.

I think I accidentally posted it a second time, when I didn’t see it the first time I posted. I know that hardly ever happens to anyone, so thanks for your help!

What’s really impressive is how stone-cold, hardcore not-into-Beck YOU are! You go, you hardcore not-into-Beck rebel! Surely, YOU will be the one who will be remembered by the millions of people who are inspired by those (like YOU!) courageous enough to announce their disinterest in popular things! And on a public

I find it weird that people wouldn’t defend others from evidence-free accusations of the worst kind simply because they’re celebrities. If there were more than one accuser, if there were any cases where pedophiles acted only once, later in their lives, with only one of the many children they’d spent time with, if the

She was never “basically his daughter,” as they never lived together and spent very little time together before she was an adult. I don’t believe Dylan is lying, as false memories are much, much more common than repressed ones, but it’s reasonable to doubt that a world-wide celebrity would, after spending years in the

I understand the implication of “grooming,” but as there’s no evidence nor accusation that Soon Yi (still married to Allen after 22 years and mother of two of his kids) was with Allen before she was an adult, and as there’s no evidence nor accusation that Allen attempted to be intimate with any of his other children, t

You could always make a list of movies you don’t like and send it to the authoritarians in charge of China so they can also prevent other humans from having the chance to enjoy art that you don’t care for. Dream big!

I think a big reason he didn’t was because he had already decided to protect their bosses, which would have been more difficult if those three decided to flip.

Poverty isn’t growing. It’s still a serious problem, to be sure, but it’s not growing. Also, there isn’t a consensus on the problem of global population, like there is on, say, climate change and vaccines.

Kids are much smarter and safer than adults think, and it’s usually young adults who do the very dumbest things humans do (except in the case of politicians, who are mostly old adults doing the very dumbest things).

Public health officials all over the world recognize vaping as an effective way to stop smoking and reduce the harms of smoking.

Kids don’t understand that we can objectively measure risk. It’s the job of adults to respond appropriately to risk levels, and they have failed these kids. The drive to school is much more dangerous than being at school. Critical thinking includes very basic risk assessment. That these kids are as terrified as they

Stewart shouldn’t have gone to prison. There’s no reason for Huffman to go to prison, either. Prison should exist to protect society from demonstrably dangerous people. We already lock up too many and always have.

As several professional investigations found no evidence of abuse, and the victim’s older brother has contradicted several key aspects of the accusation and pointed out the mother’s coaching, along with verbal and physical abuse, and with no other accusers, it’s reasonable to doubt the accusation, while acknowledging

I know, right? It’s as if people don’t understand that the things I find interesting are truly interesting, and the things I don’t find interesting are simply not interesting. I mean, why would people think something is interesting when it’s obviously not interesting to me?