
Well, she certainly showed that male bartender a taste of toxic masculinity when she caused thousands of dollars of damage to his bar in order to show off to Nick Fury. Heroic!

That is fucked up, I agree. My point is that “Ali was an asshole,” is not nearly as true as “Ali could be an asshole.” When there are 5 positive stories for every negative one, “he was an asshole,” doesn’t really do a person justice.

I don’t disagree about him being an asshole (because he certainly could be one), but there’s a huuuge (note those extra u’s!) difference between being outspoken about an issue, and risking jail-time and the best years of your athletic career by refusing to serve the war machine in any capacity.

Which kids did he see? All of them? Some of them?

You are right, that was accurate. I misread what you wrote, apologies.

I really loved Bill Cosby. But there were multiple accusers and lots of evidence. If it were the same in Allen’s case, I’d accept the preponderance of evidence. Still, you didn’t answer the question. How would you respond to being called a pedophile, when there was little to no evidence to support the accusation?

What’s the proper defense of being called a pedophile (on the basis of one accusation by one person of one incident, which is disputed by a sibling who was in the house the day in question)? Let’s pretend that there haven’t been 2 official investigations that exonerated you, how would you respond to being called a

According to Dylan’s brother, Moses, “Woody and Soon-Yi rarely even spoke during her childhood. It was my mother who first suggested, when Soon-Yi was 20, that Woody reach out and spend time with her. He agreed and started taking her to Knicks games. That’s how their romance started.” 

“The custody case came after Dylan’s pediatrician made a report to the Connecticut police, not before.” This is not accurate. Even in articles which defend the accusations, they explicitly describe Mia taking her daughter to the pediatrician after Dylan supposedly made the accusation.

It’s just endlessly fascinating, all the people who are 100% convinced that a world-famous celebrity would, during a custody dispute (with a woman who repeatedly physically and emotionally abused her children), choose a prearranged day-visit in a house full of people, to sexually assault his first and only victim, his

Making something illegal has never really worked to end that thing, e.g. prostitution, drug use, etc. Putting people in jail for going to church would be far worse than the problems surrounding the church. Ironically, the belief that prohibition works to cure anything is faith-based.

I thought “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind” was brilliant, particularly as a directorial debut. Also, while “Band of Brothers” isn’t a movie, I think the people who made it most absolutely, positively “got it.”

I think Janet Varney deserves it.

Today, it’s more widely known that Mary Magdalene wasn’t a prostitute or an adulterer...

Millar’s Cap seems more like a walking symbol than a human being, which is why I like Brubaker’s take so much more.

Why focus on “actions” that have never been demonstrated to have occurred?

This also highlights a fundamental problem with education at all levels: letter grades. They’re an 18th century invention, which, after a century of research, have been shown to have nothing but negative effects on learning.

To be fair, the schools don’t really need armed guards, and many schools have problems because of them; but the fear of school shootings, as truly tragic and horrifying as they are statistically unlikely, has driven parents and administrators to installing them, despite their frequent uselessness during actual school

Absolutely. And not just the age, but the personality. Different kids can handle different things at different times. Complicated little fuckers...