None of that acting was as bad as this video.
None of that acting was as bad as this video.
Oh, yeah, I love what they've done together, both in the studio and on stage. Belew's joy explodes out of him to envelope the audience, whereas it seems Fripp's joy (and I sincerely believe he experiences it) is completely internalized. It's possible that Fripp appears so stoic on stage because all of his emotional…
Having played the distinctive and beautiful lead guitar on the Bowie classics, "Heroes" and "Fashion" (among others), Fripp will always get a pass from me for being eccentric. Also, he produced and played on the first two Roches albums and recorded some beautiful stuff with Daryl Hall. I agree, he does tend to be…
The idea that finding some teenagers to be clever is "horrifying" is objectively stupid. Finishing a very brief click-bait article about Trump saying/doing/posting something stupid with an observation that is objectively stupid has created a stupidity wormhole in which all the stupid just sucks itself into a vortex of…
I tend to agree, but that just means that last line is really badly written. By a professional writer.
See, you keep changing what I'm saying. Above, you suggested that I was saying you were stupid, when I was clear that I was merely attacking your terrible, stupid, uninformed opinion on the acting skills of Day-Lewis.
I didn't say say you're a moron. In fact, I made a point of assuming the opposite. Very intelligent people often have very stupid opinions on particular things. I've had my share (not that I'm particularly intelligent).
But if you consider Michael Cera's career next to 99.9% of all actors, you gotta say, "dude's doin' pretty good."
"Good dribbling…?" "The Rocketeer?" Okay.
As a former teacher myself, I can assure you that students think teachers are assholes because, frequently, teachers are assholes. And unlike students, they are paid and in school voluntarily. One reason that students think teachers are assholes is because some teachers think students are stupid simply because they…
I don't want to assume that you're not an actor or that you've never seriously pursued acting before in your life, but your comment is pressuring me to make that assumption.
I understand, completely. Your taste metaphor is actually perfect.
But did boycotts by musicians/entertainers really have an effect?
See, all respect, but I don't think it's any kind of deal at all. There are lots of deals going on and this is such a tiny, little one, it takes great effort to turn it into anything that remotely compares with the other deals.
So, is this "a big deal?"
It's possible, just possible, that different people have different sensibilities about what's funny and what's not and nobody knows for sure what counts.
It seems like acting is like singing and parenting, in that so many people who have never even tried to do it seriously and know almost nothing about the process have opinions on the subject(s) which are as strongly felt as they are uninformed.
Work, sure, you're not getting paid to play with a toy. But school? School sucks. If schools don't want kids playing with toys during class, they should consider not boring students to death with meaningless, mandatory material and useless, mandatory activities.
Pretending that Richard Spencer is as dangerous as the actual Nazis killed in ww2 is really very silly, and a little insulting to the grandparents who killed them.