Is that from SWC? If so, I really need to catch up on that.
Is that from SWC? If so, I really need to catch up on that.
Ah, that's right! Thanks for clearing my memory. That's a much better story, also!
Yeah, I think he wasn't mean, just young and believing himself to be as great as he'd been told. I think the tie-fire thing was a prank and a way for Orson to humiliate him a little.
There's a story told by the great Normal Lloyd of opening night of Welles' "Julius Caesar" (before Hollywood) when, after the curtain call and the audience barely responded, the stage manager ran in front of Welles', panicked, to express how bad audience's reaction was. Welles spit in the man's face. He then spent…
It certainly isn't. What is it to have "made it" in any field, really?
Any actor who makes a middle class living by acting has "made it." Any actor who is respected by his or her professional peers has "made it." Langella's "made it" in a way 99% of actors can only dream of.
My link points to the opinions of The American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Medical Association, the National Academies of Science, the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the Royal Society, and the International Science Academies. I'm pretty sure they are aware "of basic…
I don't think anyone argues that cross fertilization doesn't occur, just that there are no environmental dangers demonstrably associated with it (legal dangers from powerful assholes, sure).
Ah, so you have no response, other than doubling-down and name-calling. It's my own fault, really, for responding in the first place. It's like pointing out flaws in a young-earth creationist's understanding of geology.
I never said she was lying. False Memory Syndrome is something that exists. Indeed, the more we study it, the easier we discover it is to create false memories.
I'm not much of an "innocent until accused by a single person" kind of guy. Call me old-fashioned, but I love me some due process! Or, at the very least, evidence.
Well, that's the claim. More importantly, they never lived together. Was it creepy? Sure. Even if he had waited until the relationship was over, it would have been creepy. But it was nothing like incest and I'm sure many actual victims of incest would agree with that. She was a grown woman, they've been together…
He never lived with her mom. He never spent the night, even.
They did not. It's true. I was, however, not disappointed by this. The game was a mystery throughout. I didn't care that I didn't understand it. Apparently, I was their target audience!
The ending was one of the best I've ever experienced in a video game.
So, it wasn't illegal. You said it was. It wasn't.
Like I said, he was pro-choice. He was against states banning abortions, he just had the opinion, which isn't uncommon, that Roe v. Wade wasn't the best way to make abortion legal.
No, no, the Nobel Peace Prize has been a joke since Kissinger. I wasn't aware the same was true for the Pulitzer and the Polk. Is it?
You're right about being free to give a real opinion on things if you know you can't be elected. If Obama had the same chances, I have no doubt we wouldn't gave changed from being for gay marriage to being against it to evolving to being for it, again, while saying that states could still ban it.
He was against government being involved in marriage at all, but he came out for gay marriage when that didn't work, so, yeah, maybe he did evolve on that.