
you do know that people on welfare have lower drug use rates than the population as a whole, and in Florida, the most recent state to institute your desired testing, it ended up costing more in administering those drug tests than was found in ‘waste’ due to the fact that people on handouts dont fucking use drugs right?

Yes and no. Economically, the left has been bending over backward to lift everyone (versus the usual “tax breaks for the rich” strategy of the right): bank regulation after the recession, Obamacare, pushes for minimum wage increases, etc. In terms of social issues, I’d agree there’s a gulf there, but I don’t know

but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc

You’ve done a great job here pointing out a phenomenon known as “point-and-laugh liberalism.” Maybe if the Democrats adopted the a policy of unconditional respect, one that was advocated by... what’s his name.... the old white guy from Vermont, we wouldn’t be staring at this goddamn travesty. These people are

I’d add that anytime they were spoke to, they were called racist, sexist, xenophbic, uneducated bigots. Apparently you shouldn’t alienate one of the biggest voting blocks in the country.

No worries. Its easy to keep your health care costs at a minimum.

It’s the Free Market at work, you goddamned commie! JOBS! TRICKLE DOWN! BOOTSTRAPS!


Best part for Oklahoma is that, unlike other fracking boom states, they raised virtually zero in tax revenue from the oil and gas industry. Instead they reduced taxes on the drilling companies and not making any other requirements for them, so they won’t even end up with better roads or public buildings once the

Turns out that the 650k emails was just one big “reply all” thread.

The 50-plus crowd. Exactly which generation do you think actually invented and popularized the home computer? Hint: It wasn’t the millennials.

Your dad never ran for President of the United States though, did he? I think the last guy to MAYBE have a plausible excuse on not knowing how to use a computer was Bill Clinton.

re: 650K emails - I think Trump must believe that must involve someone printing out all 650K emails, then reading each one individually and marking them up with a highlighter. I guess he hasn’t gotten the memo that one could use computers to review 650K emails in some sort of automated fashion.


The irony is that the GOP cut funding for embassy protection in the many austerity driven budgets prior to this happening.

What galls me is that the Dixie Chicks were burned at the stake for saying that they are ashamed that GWB is from Texas, but Ted Nugent and others are calling for Obama and Hillary to be literally killed and that’s totally fine with the Dixie Chicks haters.

Bless your heart for thinking this’ll make even a slight bit of difference to his base.