
Except Harrison Ford was really boosting this film before it entered production. He’s just kind of dour in his resting state. Also, I suspect it may be an element of the character. He wants to be there, he has said no to things in the past when he hasn’t wanted to do them.

That’s the problem. We are about to be steamrolled here. It’s the downside to a “free” market without any supervision. I’m a huge proponent that the free market is the best solution to almost everything, but zero accountability isn’t good either.

Pretty sure Harrison Ford does whatever the fuck he wants to do whenever the fuck he wants to do it.

Which may be why it’s a bad idea to appoint commentator’s to lead agencies of experts.

I’m not an immigration lawyer, but my understanding is that if she is prosecuted for it, it could negate any subsequent immigration status, up to and including her citizenship. Obama should state that he knows that there is nothing for her to worry about, but he wants to ensure that she does not have to suffer

You’re a partisan wingnut, and you’re also a fan of Krull? It’s like I want to simultaneously want to high five you and smother you with a pillow...

Frank Drebin: “When I see five weirdos in togas stabbing someone in broad daylight, I shoot the bastards.”

Pictured: Trump and his private security team.

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

What have the average temperatures been like over the last 10, 20, 50, or 100 years? I am asking about climate, not weather. They thought they were fine in the Dust Bowl, until they were not.

There are plenty of people who would take the opportunity to satisfy their bloodlust if given the opportunity. Filipnos don’t have a different psyche from anyone else, it all depends on who holds the reins of power.

I don’t think it’s a problem with people choosing the correct orientation (though 9 times out of 10 it is the wrong one) but the fact that it’s a portrait video being shown in landscape, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

It is extremely illegal, but the GOP is going to have the entirety of the federal govt under their control. They could easily just make what is illegal, legal or just ignore it since they sure as shit aren’t going to punish themselves. They could just wave it off as a RIF and that would probably be the end of it.

And this is the equivalent of shit in the bag?? Perspective, please. Go mow the lawn or change the furnace filter or rebalance your 401k. Something more important than bitching about vertical video.

The priority is the video. It doesn’t matter how it’s shot. Unless your precious senses are offended.

What do you mean you people?

This isn’t voter fraud. This is (potentially) hacking of machines by a foreign government to decide our election. I don’t believe it’s true, and I hope it isn’t true. I’d rather Trump won than know that our entire country is running on the whims of foreign governments, but I think we should find out the answer, no?

He was in a class of little kids— what was he supposed to do?

I am old enough to remember the Reagan era in full. I remember reading that he was aloof and disconnected and skipped reading to watch old war movies on the couch instead. And I remember the moment when you could tell, you could just tell from him being in the press room before the mic, that he was clearly going