
“performance metrics (like speed, delays, and dropped requests).... Their comments were a direct response to a letter sent to the FCC from the five major telecom lobbying groups who argued that reporting network performance requires expensive equipment and hurts business.”

Now playing

Wish I could be in the room on Jan. 21 when Michelle wakes up, turns to Barack, and whispers, “It’s my turn now.”

No. Many whites view “white trash” as subhuman too (e.g., meth addicts, though being poor is frequently enough of a crime, even if clean, sober, & productive). That’s why “get tough on crime” is such an effective political cliche, & it’s OK to spend tends of thousands a year for mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, &

Comcase crew deserved to have a semi slam into them.


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Congratulations. You’ve been reassigned to a special climate-science task force based in ISIS-controlled regions in Syria.

“Depends on how smart people are about it.”

As others have highlighted, those who view this comparison as invalid seem to be missing or misinterpreting (unintentionally, I’m sure) the context & reasons.

It’s not like there’s a Trump Youth movement, right?

That’s so cute.

I suspect they are planning for 1000 years of this.

He takes one every morning.

Chocolate Trump.

Sorry. With all due respect, I believe your premise is naively optimistic, & has been repeatedly proven so since 2011. Our government, at every level, has increasingly chosen to ignore, reinterpret, & violate the constitution. And it’s not just in the war against terrorism. Also in the war against drugs. And the war

Seriously? You’re still willing to bathe in denial? I salute your (unfounded) optimism.

More collateral damage from the war on Christmas.