Aidian Holder

"McNulty's the lead (at least initially) because he's the spanner in the works threatening to jam up the normal operation of the system, ironically because he wants to better pursue the alleged objectives of the system."

Yeah, but you're not going to get "hiest" in a hed even when you don't have a copydesk, because computers will catch that. What they won't catch is the wrong use of capitol/capital.

In the comics one of Negan's defining characteristics is the totally over the top amount of fucks he let fly. That's not the only trait he has, but it's really an integral part of his character. Having Negan work on TV without him being totally excesively profane — like at least a dozen fucks an episode — will be

Bradley is the Jar-Jar Binks of White Pine Bay.

18-49 or 25-54? How 'bout share?

Johnny Depp as Guy Lapointe was perhaps the only really good thing about Tusk. And it wasn't all that good.

The good part of working master control: there's usually a way to tune a spare monitor to a Simpsons rerun instead of whatever crap you're actually airing.


For being 30 years post-apocalypse, everyone in this show seems really well supplied with ammo.

Really? #1 in demo? Wow. Last time I worked for a NBC affiliate one of our biggest problems was that the entire network lineup was going off a cliff WRT ratings.

I still haven't watched the BSG finale.

in the pilot episode the word was 'inoperable', with, IIRC, 12-18 month life expectancy with treatment.

The best thing — one of the only good things — about that Robin Hood was Alan RIckman. It was like he was acting in a totally different movie. Costner's all being serious and brooding and heroic while Rickman is mugging it up like a mustache twirling cartoon villain.

"…it’s being called the best limited release opening since…"

But how could you forget Vulgar? Truly, please tell me how to forget it. Considering the low budget, that movie may have the highest disturbing/dollar ratio of all time.

Actually Smith needs to stop smoking pot. I'm a big fan, and hearing his various stand up and podcast stuff it seems Smith wasn't a big pot smoker until sometime in the last ten years (heard him describe doing a photo shoot for High Times which made it clear he talked about weed much more often than he smoked it).

Arya & Tywin in the Dreadfort was much better than the equivalent parts of the books.

White Power!

Mike Patton is from my home town. He's a few years older than me. I never met him, but I've known several dozen people who did know him.

I'm not saying I'd buy the argument…just that the fact that it could be made shows how relatively overlooked the Russian war effort is in American popular consciousness.