Aidian Holder

If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.

Yes, those other countries had fought the Nazis, and lost. The U.S.S.R. won the European theater of WWII, at a cost so large it's hard to wrap your head around. There's an argument to be made that they could have won even if the U.K. was invaded and the U.S. never entered the war.

Yeah, no one is pure, and in general trying to affect social change via consumerism is nothing but sanctimonious masturbation.

Awesome, Churchill-inspired, retort to Gallo: "Someday I will be thin, but you will still be the director of the Brown Bunny."

I had to give up my amazon habit because of the terrible way it treats its workers. Check it out, you may find that you don't want to support a business that acts that way.

Yeah, but then they turn around and get conquered by the French of all people….

I really want to live in the town where this is set

Because GRRM has no clue what he's doing or where he's going and is making it up as he goes along.

You're an idiot — or deliberately missing the point.

I've long said 1994 was the only year I could turn on the radio and hear something that I already owned. I'm not sure if that makes it cool or me old…

I was almost disappointed when we didn't get that quote.  I mean, this is a show clearly not afraid of being over-the-top — any time it's got a point to make it'll slap you around with it till you cry for mercy (seven months later, anyone?) — so I don't think I was wrong to expect to hear that line from Doctor Carter

Should be possible to do a three episode order.  BBC does it all the time.  Hell that's a whole season of the new Sherlock.  It could be valuable to see miniseries instead of pilots because then you can see how much audience shrinkage and how much tune in you're likely to get over the course of a season — which could

No powers?  How do you explain Felicity's hacking?  Less realistic than an earthquake device

come on, who lives in a town built on a pot economy where vigilante justice is meted out?
Oooh, ooh, pick me!  My hometown is just like that.

Work in the business.  I get the overnight ratings in email every morning.  They don't even include the numbers for total viewers — you've got to go get those special — but includes 18-49 and 25-54 for both sexes broken out.

I want to see "The Adventures of Andy Botwin" as a series.  I'm thinking prequel…sorta a 'Young Indiana Jones' only with lots of bong hits, gratuitous sex, and poor decision making by our hero.

I want to see "The Adventures of Andy Botwin" as a series.  I'm thinking prequel…sorta a 'Young Indiana Jones' only with lots of bong hits, gratuitous sex, and poor decision making by our hero.