
This is perfectly normal. They put junior marketing staff on jobs like “writing a schedule of 900 nonsensical tweets just to fill the void on our Twitter account this year”, because it doesn’t take anyone with experience to do it well most of the time (mostly because even doing it “well” is doing something extremely

Lmao let your employer tweet about how shitty your work is, will you forget it tomorrow? 

I don't get how people can be so stupid. This isn't just internet masses who are upset, this is people who work in single player games FOR EA and EA is literally talking shit about the games they are being paid by EA to make. I promise those people will not forget anytime soon. Like are you joking? Do you forget

Im pretty sure this exact sentiment was in the article. No where does it put the blame on the Twitter team, but the execs who hired and paid them. Your reading comprehension is just awful.

This REEKS of third party agency trying to stir the pot.

However, I think it’s more likely that they have a point of contact on the EA side that just rubberstamps their content calendars and didn’t think anything of the messaging behind it as opposed to not caring necessarily.

I think the majority of people who work

With the speed at which the internet outrage machine jumps from one topic to another, wouldn’t the best strategy be to simply remove the tweet and move on with no additional response?  Chances are, it would all be forgotten within 24-48 hours when the next target of outrage is collectively decided upon.


as someone who worked on marketing once, this whole situation smacks of “let’s gently poke the hornet’s nest because there’s not such thing as bad publicity”, and the idea probably came from a Senior Creative with little knowledge of the market but a lot of sway in the ad agency.

What, precisely, is the point of having a “Social Team” if they are not also the people in charge of the (verified) twitter account?

I’m guilty of this. I think Obi-Wan Kenobi was overall mediocre, and suffered from some bad writing and execution, but I ended up enjoying it anyway because it hit my personal nostalgia buttons. I would trade it for a good show in a heartbeat though.

We’re vibrating between superposed states of “Star Wars, let’s see more of the universe and its denizens instead of going over old material” and “ZOMG LOOKIT CALLBACKS!!!1!”

He did and pulls away. Palpatine comments “yessss” while this is happening.

It depends on how you read that scene. He gave into his anger, but did he cross to the dark side? Well, he showed that that is a possibility. But he quite clearly turns from that path when it’s made obvious where that leads him.

The droid specifically said they couldn’t find anything medically wrong with her. If it had said she was having complications, that would have been one thing. But the canonical, in-universe reason is that her emotions made her so fragile, she lost the will to live. And not only does that reek of “women be crazy”

Did he? I’ve always seen it as he was tested and nearly gave into his anger, but succeeded in mastering it I’m the end. 

There’s a scene in Rebels where Rex talks about the removal of his mind control chip as though it were common knowledge in the years after Episode III, so I’m going to assume that’s what happened, and eventually (probably in the Bad Batch), they’ll show how the knowledge spread far and wide.

Why was that “misogynistic”? We know she is not alive and in their lives later. And Anakin had attacked her earlier. And lastly that people do die in childbirth. Lucas did suck at explaining her death very well (as he did with Anakin’s turn to the dark side). But most people just assume the Emperor had a hand in it

Wait, but Luke does turn to the Dark Side in Return of the Jedi. And Obi-Wan totally puts all of his guilt and pain on Luke Skywalker. It’s only Yoda’s teaching of peace and diplomacy and against violence that puts a dent in Luke, and almost too late.

The wasted jawa disposing of a body (probably under orders from Jabba) does sound surreal enough that I’d laugh at it in a movie theater.

The Commander Cody that tried to execute Obi-Wan at the end of Revenge of the Sith? THAT Cody?