
You're giving too much credit to the "power of the gaming press". I've read the 4chan notesboards and the IRC chats and even the email transcripts from inside the special "game-jo-pro" mailing lists. 4chan has done wonders illustrating the problem precisely. And by "problem", I do not mean "ethics in journalism" - I

In the modern world of the internets, if you want to be the "gaming press", all you have to do is start up a blog or run a podcast. You too can have thousands of readers! If you want to have an independent voice, I encourage you to BE that independent voice!

Ms. Sommers works for the American Enterprise Institute, a self-identifying "conservative" think tank. Her works include statements decrying that "conservative scholars have effectively been marginalized, silenced, and rendered invisible". While a registered Democrat, she states that she identifies as a socially

Microtransactions are handled by purchasing one of the game's two in-game currencies. Most of the fundamental play mechanics (new weapons, new suits of armour) can be purchased with "credits" and different types of material resources found while playing the game, but one can shortcut the process and purchase items

Begging your pardon, but the official stance of most feminist organizations is (and has been for over a hundred years) that they wish equal treatment and status as men in society. Just as with any civil rights movement, this started with "easy" and obvious inequities such as the right to vote. It has proceeded from

Good and getting better. It plays similar to ME3's multiplayer mode, but with more vertical movement and character agility. Each "warframe" has a different set of strengths and weaknesses and special abilities. I also feel that they do F2P right - just about everything fundamental to game play can be unlocked, even if

Alas, we live in an America that opposed the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution less than thirty years ago. Maybe it is time to raise that banner again?

Stop. Just stop. Ms. Sarkeesian is not "ruining" gaming. She is suggesting to the industry that they need to expand in order to cater to other interests. That isn't a bad thing. There will be more games, and more diverse games - just like Hollywood. The Duke Nukems of the world can and will coexist alongside the

As a reasonable human who lived in Texas almost a third of his life: good luck, and keep fighting the good fight!

As Pumpkin King, I applaud you for your actions. The celebration of Halloween is all-important, and crosses racial and class boundaries! It is a holiday to be enjoyed by all, and an opportunity to be and see someone inside ourselves that we are not - or to show everyone else who we might be.

She led some great teams that put together some amazing games. I look forward to playing whatever she winds up developing next.

Kudos to you both. That takes a lot of bravery and a strong heart.

As an obvious horn toad, shouldn't it be shooting blood out its eyes?

There is a whole realm in between "possible" and "probable".

Not all hypotheses are created equal, and Occam's Razor applies. Which possibility seems less complicated and contrived:

Your point about how this study reaches a similar conclusion to prior studies is crucial. If several different studies using similar but different survey questions and methodologies targeting slightly different groups of people over time and come up with very similar results, it suggests that the results are probably

I love this level and the game, but let's not spill into hyperbole in praise. We must not forget that the original Halo also has "the Library", one of the single least inspired and dull FPS levels of all time, a vaguely semi-circular tube run full of the rocket-wielding bullet-sponges known as "the Flood".

This is the first thing I thought, too. Ubisoft surprisingly dropped the ball on this one.

I think you win the No-Prize on this one.

Look, we all agree that the initial hypothesis being tested is, "do I have a bad connection between the pins on my cartridge and the receivers on my console". Take three games with similar non-functional appearance when booted. Observation of the connectors revealed that some scum had built up on some of those pins.