
Let me get this straight: he was standing in the only avenue of egress from her office, and he was not blocking her from physically extracting herself from the situation if she felt uncomfortable?
While I suspect that the guy meant nothing so drastic as rape by it, he was obviously violating her comfort zones. He

Spoken like a person who has never experienced sexual assault. Sad truth of it is, a significantly larger proportion of women experience such an assault than men do. Might be because men tend to have more muscle mass, and can physically enact their desires, regardless of the legality of the situation.

She didn't write the article about the good times because those are supposed to be the default setting, the status quo. She wrote about the bad times because as she points out, they are aberrations. Why do those bad things matter if they are rare and unusual?

Well then, waiting is obviously not enough.

I do very literally feel your pain.

Hmm. Check my second note: the other thing that you should take pride in is your survival. You have that. It is yours. You made it. Even by replying to me, you are continuing to make it - one step at a time.

You had me at "wine and pizza". Tell me that you have a pirated stream of the latest releases up on the HDTV, and we'll call it date night.

We endure because that is sometimes the only measure by which we can chart success. Think of it as an endurance run: how long can you hold on? How long can you tread water? How many zombies can you fight off? It isn't a lot of fun, but if you look back over your shoulder you might be able to see how far you have

Hey, I had two "real" jobs bookending my graduate experience on both halves of the country, too! Of course, the secret is that the series of odd jobs and temp jobs that filled the spaces in between WERE real jobs, too. I didn't feel that they constituted any sort of career, and they certainly didn't fulfill me in any

Hey, the medication and the therapy are good first steps! The medication might help you with some biochemical issues that are beyond your control. This is hopefully medicine to help stabilize your brain the way antibiotics prevent infection while a cut knits, or a fibreglass cast provides a framework to protect and

Not knowing the specifics of your situation, it would be difficult to offer any sort of specific advice. That said, I know how terrible the real world can be - and the only solution I have ever found is to endure.

This absolutely. "Schindler's List" and "Life is Beautiful" are amazing movies, worthy of the awards they won. I have seen each one only once, and in spite of their underlying message of hope in the face of relentless evil, I felt horrible about the human race for the rest of the day afterwards.

Red Dead Redemption is also fifteen dollars this weekend. Rockstar sale.

Red Dead Redemption is also fifteen dollars this weekend.

Bah. One of the puzzles of playing a game is trying to find the pathway that the developer WANTED you to take. Once you figure out what their intent was, a difficult or challenging mission can become much easier. As noted above, I did not find that particular mission terribly difficult, at least in part because I

Hang out in Guardian mode near the target, then spam missiles - but save a few decoy chaff for incoming enemy fire. The bad guys have to have a clear line of sight to fire, and your missiles auto-lock. Anytime you hear enemy missiles, pop some chaff. It should divert the majority of them.

I recall reading about flamethrowers. That good for you?

Microsoft completely failed to convince folks that the Kinnect provided any real core functionality. Most of the functions it provide can (and are!) implemented by other control mechanisms. At least some of this is probably because Microsoft really does make an effort to provide variant control systems for the

For the record, I would prefer to buy an X1 without a BluRay drive for the same reason I don't want another Kinnect: I will never use that technology.

Once downloaded, yours forever.