Aiden Reppil

While there was no shout-out to the "Wuppy Duppy Latte", I was pleasantly surprised to see the "Dumb Norah Jones Duets" drink on the menu.

Wait, you mean they chose an elderly female with unpopular religious beliefs to have a hate crime committed against. What the fuck were they thinking?

Okay, but what did you think of the episode? Oh, you gave it a B. Well, that a was a simple review of the episode.

Balthazar is devastating, and perfection. I watched it on my 22nd birthday, and it wasn't a great idea.

"The grandma in the background…it makes it…hotter."

This is one of the finest things I have ever seen written on these boards. I appreciate you sharing this, and wish you all the best.

This game made such an impression on me that I bought Day of the Dead diorama boxes (like this one:… ) just a few years ago.

"The white copier is better, it makes colored copies."

Unlike Going to Space, which received a very somber 5 stars.

This is my favorite song of all-time. I think it's the greatest love song ever written.

God damn you for taking my idea…

The waitress gave him tickets to see the Rangers-Bruins. Louie and Amia were watching the Rangers-Penguins.

I love that Woo completely agonized over the decision (ex. "Oh, bro…), then made his "big move" to appear as a free thinker, only to then state that he was all about facing the best and showing integrity when he looked like a total dumbass in hindsight.

Some of my favorites include: "Bully", "Bummer/Blueberries", "Daddy's Girlfriend Part 1 and 2", and "New Year's Eve."

"Mexican, Italian." My mind started racing: how are they going to find two girls just like that? Is the rest of the episode going to be a quest for this? That brother is sure to fuck this all up, right?

"We would want to flush that out. Because the further that he advances, the more he can dictate whether or not you go or you go sitting on the jury."

The opening non-stand up scene with the garbage men was perfection. Not only was it the most predictable setup that was flawlessly executed, but the men winding up destroying Louie's upper floor room had me dying. I love that he didn't say a word to them - just pure complacency in his misery.

The Outback Steakhouse infomercial was only made more detestable with Morgan giving the dish by dish breakdown of their shit food.

Hearing Beefy Liz snort is the greatest thing in my life. This is the funniest show on television.

Oh, jesus. That was fuckin funny.