Aiden Reppil

Just a beautiful scene at the hospital with Marty and his "ex" family. His wife grabs his hand with her new ring showing, his daughter asks "how are you" out of obligation, he realizes the distance between himself and them, and he cries. Powerful stuff.

YES to this.

Every mannerism of Jeff the ref is perfect. His face when he says "chicken salad" made me laugh for a good minute.

The most versatile actor of his generation. The man is probably in a quarter of my top 20 favorite movies.

Despite how awesome this was, watching this trailer just made me want to watch the original trailer. This is my favorite film since No Country for Old Men.

Tim: These innkeepers, they're perverts. They film their guests having sex.
Stu: How do you know that?
Tim: A guy named Rick, at the diner…said it.
Stu: Alright, story stands up.

I'm a therapist at a facility for teenage boys, many of whom remind me a ton of Clarett and the circumstances he came from. This film did such a great job of raising the question: to what extent can we solely blame the actions of the individual, and when does family/environment/society etc. take some responsibility?

1. No Country for Old Men (my favorite movie of all time)
2. Fargo (how are these not the first two on every list?)
3. A Serious Man
4. Raising Arizona
5. The Man Who Wasn't There

You make a really good point about Colton.  His femininity is so overt, but he's so verbally aggressive in his approach that he definitely playing the worst stereotypes of both sexes.