Aidan_ III: The Return

I love at the end the dog is looking around like "I did good, huh? All those other dogs just ran by the food. I am the best dog."

Haven't played in forever, but Barrens chat will always be #1 in my book

What I'm most surprised by is how Vladimir Putin finds the time to referee. That guy is everywhere.

Damn, they all look alike to me.

I don't know, but I do know all this rat trivia:

I'm pretty sure Jaden Smith is just on his way to a wedding.

The guy who wrote a fucking dissertation? Yeah, fuck that guy.

It wouldn't be perfect at all; I'm not saying it would be. What it would be is way the fuck better than our current system.

Then, at very least, strong unions whose corruption is oriented around pleasing their fat, lazy workers are a good bit of healthy competition versus corporate corruption, aren't they? If we can't count on everyone being an angel, I'd rather know that at least all the devils aren't working for the other team.

Good thing our corporate leaders never engage in corruption. It would be bad if there were corruption in the economy.

Cue the heavy use of my banhammer. I'm not playing any of that Ayn Rand shit.

It seems to be working a hell of a lot better in Denmark than our system is here. People who go on about the evils of unions are ignoring the fact that the only thing worse than having strong unions is what happens when you don't have them.

If no one is starving in the street, how can I ever feel truly rich?

It's been so long since I watched any of the shows or movies I don't even remember what she looks like. Let's take a look...

At first I was like: "Rita Repulsa!?"

The Baroness must have flipped your friggin lid back in the day...

Yeah, Cho is the tops. Or the bottoms, I guess. She's great.

That clip was pure gold! Thanks for the link.

Also, I don't get why people think of geeks as these chaste asexuals either. I haven't been to one con that didn't have a makeshift dungeon set up on the party floor.

Now playing

As Margaret Cho said, there's this weird overlap between Star Trek, the Ren Faire and leather sex.