
It kind of does happen with the guys. In this game, Goro specifically. Yusuke also has his share of fans. I've delved enough into the world of doujin and other fan comics to know that plenty of the boys are designed to hit some people just right. Hell, right now, Goro x Joker fan art and comics pretty much outweigh

It amuses me that the only Confidant who doesn't figure out who you are, excluding party members obviously, is the man who is housing you for the year. You see some of these people maybe 10 times in a year and they figure it out but it takes a story contrivance to get Sojiro to learn the truth.

Given the way people react to the characters, I don't think it would be possible to make a character that doesn't fit into some sort of niche for players.

But that being the joke is the joke. I think. Unless you knew that I knew that.

I unironically love "Bonafide Monafide."
I will not back down from this.

You might want to speak up. I couldn't hear you over Ryuji screaming "BOY, I SURE DO LOVE BEING A PHANTOM THIEF" in public.

True. It is weird that the giant axe and grenade launcher goes to the musketeer girl who is ridiculously gentle and naive. It's also funny, though. I could go either way.

But if that were true, we wouldn't have RAPID FIRE GRENADE LAUNCHERS.

"It's almost scary how good I am!"

I think it's neither, really. I think it's the game saying that's who he is. He's a weirdo with a poor understanding of social graces (I think his scenes with Ann show he truly wanted to use her as a model but he also was clearly attracted to her and didn't know how to reconcile those conflicting feelings). But that's

Fair enough. Maybe I'm just so glad there isn't a Kenji or a Kaz from Persona 3 in here, a link so awful it makes me actively hate the character for being such an immense dumbass.

She's definitely one of the most useful confidants in the game. Especially her massages allowing you to go to a Palace/Mementos and still do something at night. It doesn't hurt that she has a great character design, a good storyline, and is just in general fun to hang out with.

I think I should clarify, when I say dating sim, I mean the actual romantic relationship getting to make kissy face (or in the case of Persona, awkward hugging animations) with other characters. The social sim aspect, meaning all the social link parts that don't end with two characters sitting in your room with a fade

It's rather funny that Persona has gotten a reputation as a "dating
simulator" whose sole purpose is for the waifus, when in reality that
actually makes up a very, very minor portion of the game (especially if
you're not a jerk and only romance one girl). I mean, I'd say the games on average come to something like 1/3

Haru got what some refer to as "Last Character Syndrome." When a character pops up in a story so late that they have so little time to really make themselves stand out before the plot needs to focus on more end-game stakes, which overshadow them. The comparison to Naoto may be apt. Naoto joins last in her game, but

It was a bad way to start off the list, to be sure. Iwai is great.

I didn't particularly have a problem with Futaba being a romantic option. In real life, dating someone just getting over a truly traumatic even might not be such a good idea, but real life also doesn't generally have magic demon-fighting therapy that can completely alter a person's mind. By the end of her development

I will say in regards to the end of the game, that P3/4 did a really good job with making the last months of the game feel different. Specifically, the town you had spent all year visiting and going through really goes to shit, with people acting crazy left and right. It really sets the tone for the last push. P5

I can see where you're coming from, but the stories themselves are still good. And it really goes with the theme of the story. You generally help someone get as far as they can on their own until they come across someone who holds authority over them who is abusing their station to make the other's life miserable for

I'm not only going to tell you why you're wrong, I'm going to make a listicle explaining 15 reasons WHY you're wrong (number 8 will SHOCK you).