
I argue with your inarguable list. I argue a lot with it.
How do you like them apples!

I'll add that to my increasing list of terms I didn't think I'd ever have to know.

The thing is that the shadow fights take an idea the character has and blow it completely out of proportion. As Nozomi Suzuki mentioned in this conversation, Kanji felt like there was a clash between his "manliness" and his perceived "feminine" hobbies. This manifested in his shadow being the most flamboyant gay

I can say, from what I've heard, that if you romance the teacher, she will later break up with you by the end and say that she'll only re-open the relationship when he gets older.

I could definitely see that. P3P had to change a LOT of dialogue for the female protagonist, and P3 had probably the least writing of the trilogy. Additionally, certain character in particular (like Rise from 4) would need even more rewriting. In some cases, like you mention the start of P5, you would probably have to

Kanji I've always taken as being a hormone-addled teenager who doesn't know what he wants. The game leaves it entirely vague, and that's fine. The point of his story was accepting himself, whatever that comes to, and realizing he doesn't have to try and change for the approval of others.

Every time MST3K changes up it usually takes a few episodes to even itself out, so I'd believe it. I'm definitely enjoying it so far.

I just thinking of it as the universe working overtime to make sure he looks like the man his philosophy most resembles, which is to say Emperor Palpatine.

Unfortunately I've maxed everything already except courage, and I'm pretty sure I've now officially hit the end-end-game.

These days, I think Crash would be chased out of town for unintuitive, trial and error gameplay. But it was a lot of fun back in the day.

That doesn't surprise me, but in fiction it gets old really fast.

You know, this is actually one of the few problems I have with the calendar system of P3-5. There's a lot of cool stuff in the game, but if you want to see it all, you end up wasting time which is very precious. I started romancing Futaba and would actually like to see what the dates are like, but I can't spare the

I'm also a stick-to-the-canon sort, so I went with Akira Kurusu.

I'm having a hard time deciding what is a spoiler myself, but I generally go by the rule that anything in readily available promotional material. Should I have to spoiler the fact that Makoto and Futaba are party members when they're on the front of that game's box art?

I've sat in on discussions about this thing for years and I think my stance is that I'd rather have a translation that fits the tone rather than the literal meaning. Which is still really, really vague and subjective, but it's the best I can do. Like, I've seriously listened to people who think there is such a thing

He gets it almost as bad as Ryuuji. But I crack up every time Futaba starts picking on him, so it's cool.

People also like to throw "cognition" around a lot. It's not so bad that it really distracts me, but I can't help but feel there must be a better word.

I'm approaching P5's endgame and I've maxed most of the links at this point with a few exceptions and only a little help. I'm pretty sure I'll be short on about 5 links total, but a NG+ should make it a breeze.

I think it's also a case of early game difficulty. You don't have the resources to really explore as well as you'd like that early on.

If there's one thing I think is head and shoulders above P3/4 in this game, it's how nearly everything ties together. Almost every other rank of links in this game give you something to work with. And the rewards aren't just crap like "10% boost to fire damage" but access to new things, new useful skills, and much