
I'm not going to go into any spoilers here, but at one point P5 brings up Japan's 99.99% prosecution rate, and flat out states that no, police are in no way 99.99% accurate in arresting the correct people. This series doesn't seem like it has any intention to stop its social commentary on modern Japan anytime soon.

P4 is sometimes criticized by people for being the most lighthearted of the series. Which it definitely is, as the rainbow-vomiting visuals can demonstrate, even if it's not THAT far off from something like P1. But the themes of how the people in a perfectly normal neighborhood would gossip about anyone other than

P2: Nyarlathotep is an asshole

I'm a bit mixed on this. On the whole, I don't think I like the characters QUITE as much as I liked P4's cast, but I've also loved that game to death since I played it almost a decade ago, so I have a bit of a bias plus nostalgia. With that said, the P5 crew impressed me in a few ways.

I personally loved Makoto's transformation because of the complete change from her prim and proper personality to, well, one of the teammates saying they're afraid to piss her off lest she rips their arm off.

I've put more hours into this game than I am comfortable admitting within the span of one week, due to finally taking a week off from work after years of forgoing any vacation, and I'm still only finally approaching the end.

Oh, just push the button, DoctorHandsome.

I'll have you know many of us are high-functioning. Of one type or another.

No springs!

I think it's a case that low budgets get you further these days.

Bill Corbett blocked me on Twitter after making a Packers joke. It's not the same anymore.

That's not just okay, it's commendable.

Pretty much. Life is simpler when every horrible thing that happens is because of one person/group. Because then things make sense.

This kills me as well. Additionally, my father constantly tells me the government should be run as a business, and so we need a businessman president. And then I try to explain that it absolutely should NOT be run like a business, but even if it did, couldn't it be run by a GOOD business man?

I'm tired of this stereotype. It's usually aliens with no hands that wield such tentacles, not the humanoids. I suspect you don't know as much about anime pornography as you claim!

I thought I was the only one who thought he was the only one.

No, he means explode. If Obamacare goes beneath a certain insured rate, it will start a chain reaction. Dollar and percentage signs raining from the sky. Roving bands of doctors in leather will torment us all.

Okay, she's a cab.

Government hands, Medicaid, off, etc. We know how it goes. People pick a side first and find their reasons later.

Outside has been getting worse ever since they introduced industrialization in the 18th season.