
I'm seriously thinking this is Hollywood's strategy, at least at some points.

You better pre-order the movie, too, unless you want to miss out on the best costumes, too. And you can get a crappy statue for only $100 more if you but the Collector's Edition!

You obviously didn't see the Director's Cut. The aliens totally change the feel of the film.

On a semi-related note, I sometimes find it funny when a Japanese movie casts Asians as white characters. Like when they made a live-action Cromartie High School movie and got a Japanese man to play (sort of) Freddie (Mercury).

I'd be amused with a series of completely missing the point reviews.

Not only that, but there's already been Death Note stories set outside Japan (I believe).

I've never really heard too much of a difference between the various Crows myself, unless I really focus on it. So this new one seems like he will be fine. Though it will be hard to hear Tom as anyone other than Kevin Murphy.

I'm pretty sure most of the actual D.I.Y. stuff ended after the KTMA era.

I'm pretty sure Joel has said they want to keep to the spirit of the show, so they're still going for the same kind of B-movie cheese they always did. I think they did mention they might get some newer stuff since video quality is somewhat important if they're filming in HD, but I think that means just stuff like 70's

But will half of that last third hate it solely because the first third love it?

I think if Joel was trying to go "where the market is," MST3K would be a series of Let's Plays with Tom, Crow and Jonah making stupid faces in a webcam while playing awful games.

I think it's a good sign. First, remove the songs. Then ditch the story. Then ditch the actors. Get rid of all of that and then replace the new movie with the old animated movie which is still fine.

That could be because the series ended after the second game and no amount of evidence can convince me otherwise.

Maybe Space Mutiny should have had a song.
"He tried to kill me with a golf cart."

"I keep Popular Mechanics under my mattress!"

I mean, the Chicken of Tomorrow seemed to think it had to sell people on cars and trucks, so who knows.

"And right there in front of you was Mary, your salvation, head chock full of the answers YOU needed."
"Split it open now!"

It depends on which one. I tend to prefer the more sci-fi and fantasy driven episodes, but some of the teen movies are great for things like 40 year old teenaged rebels who dress like they stepped out of a Sears catalogue and act about as out of control as The Fonz.

I'm particularly fond of "Cheating: How to make it work for you at home and on the job."

Check the wiki (lalala)