
Meteorology was not something I expected to be a landmine around here, but here we are.

I've been watching people shit on Nate Silver all day and it leads me to two conclusions:
1. People just like to blame or mock people and don't need evidence. They claim Nate "called" certain states despite repeatedly saying, for months, that polls can be wrong AND that these polls in particular were highly uncertain.

At this point, The Sims is broken into so many pieces you need to spend hundreds, if not thousands, to get the "whole" experience, which becomes bloated.

Why do birds suddenly appear ev'ry time you are near?

EA needs sufficient time to wring every possible drop of money out of each game with new, long term insane monetization schemes. Leave no stone unsqueezed lest you miss a drop of blood.

I haven't read any Gaiman yet besides Good Omens (though I'm trying to rectify that shortly), but considering I've been through about 21 Discworld books at this point, and am steadily working through the rest, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree about Pratchett at the very least.

A part of me wants to say that there could be some great animated adaptations, but I've seen some of the ones that were animated and they look pretty bad. It almost reminds me of those old Zelda Philips CD-i games.

I'd like to pretend you were being cheeky and mocking Hollywood thinking, but Disney actually wanted to tone down the references to death in a story about the anthropomorphic personification of death.

I actually really loved IM3. It wasn't perfect, but it worked. Actually, when I hear a lot of people complain about IM3, I remember a lot of people complaining that the movie ruined The Mandarin. And my first thought is "Did anyone seriously care about, or even know about, The Mandarin before this movie?" He's not

It sucks, but people will have to go and invent a third emotion other than smug self-satisfaction and overwhelming depression before we can get a third option.

I think you're right and that it is perfectly acceptable to try and differentiate itself from the Marvel movies by being a bit darker and grittier. There's nothing that says these movies can't try to be a bit more than just popcorn fluff.

"Yes. Well, when I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's my policy."
"That was a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar, you moron! You killed 5 actors! Good ones!"

Is that because number 17 is making your head explode?

Were there any celebrities who were only allowed to Tweet about it after leaving the "Constructive Criticism Chamber," covered in lashes and bruises?

Make sure it's excessively expensive alcohol to make sure the poor financial decision making skills are truly firing on all cylinders. Expensive cylinders.

And Mark Hamill announced that he's backed this Kickstarter, too. COINCIDENCE?

When would we get a kickstarter to bring it back?

Yeah, that was the one. Had me cracking up.

Usually things come up DUE to liquor.

I saw him in July and for our encore, the stage lit up to reveal everyone in Star Wars gear, complete with someone in a perfect Darth Vader costume.