
That's entirely fair. Lucas gets a lot of crap, much of it deserved I'd say, for his directing, but as a person I've never heard anything truly bad said about him as a person.

How can you say that? That guy I don't know is like twenty times worse than that guy whose name I think I heard on the bus once. He's almost as bad as what's-his-face or I-forget-his-name.

If by "Next Generation sorta thing" you mean that Patrick Stewart should be heavily involved, then yes, I agree.

His bosses still won't like him.

Asking to pick between Joel and Mike is like asking me to pick a favorite child.

Honestly, you don't need to sleep with Benny to pity him. In my games I almost never kill him on the basis that it just feels unfair. Yes, he's an asshole who did a whole bunch of supreme asshole things, but when you realize he thinks he's a big player, when he's really a joke, it's just sad.

That might explain why 47 in these movies seems far, far more trigger-happy than in the games, where he's supposed to be a professional who only kills his targets, period. He wants to use all his tactical weapons he has in stock.

It's quite understandable. It's like if you hear "publisher abused and cut ties with a famous game creator," you instantly think Konami. Each of the major companies has its own unique way of screwing up.

This mirrors my thoughts on the subject. I don't trust Bethesda to write, period. There's a number of places that can summarize why Fallout 3's story was a mess. If they told me that Bethesda would design the world and that Obsidian would be back to write the plot, then I would find a cause to be optimistic. As it

Oh absolutely. Rusty is also an awful father, but the difference is we know why he's terrible, and still Rusty at least tries. Sometimes. On occasion. Especially in the later seasons. By comparison, we have pretty much no reason to sympathize with Jonas Venture Sr.

To be fair, literally everyone in Ranma 1/2 is a horrible person.

While we're on the subject of Adult Swim awful fathers, Jonas Venture Sr. Adventurer, Super Scientist and Awful Father is a really bad combination.

Zip it!

Shrinking is indeed a pretty silly concept, but I like Futurama's explanation that shrinking things would require "Very tiny atoms. Do you know how much those cost? I'm not made of money! Stop bothering me!"

The go-to explanation as to why Ray gets so much shit is because he's voiced by the show's creator. He either doesn't like that or likes to give his characters a hard time.

If Krieger were a clone of Hitler, wouldn't he look more like Hitler?

Ray is basically the Butters of Archer. He's the character that pretty much everyone likes and is sympathetic, and for that he must suffer constantly.

Only 14? A new record!

Well, I watched it. All of it. So the problem must be on your end. Have you tried turning your TV on?

I am honestly okay with this. I don't care if a plot has been done 20,000 times before as long as the actual execution works. And by god did it work here.