
There were so many parts of this episode where I was sure Sato was going to end up the cruel joke of some black comedy. Maybe his family was in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Or Archer would give him a taste of his family but leave him on the island.

I'll settle for forcing Kim Jong-Un to Google "The Streisand Effect."

Who could blame him? I would like to take this moment to remind you that you are on the Internet. So, a lot of people.

Who could blame him? I would like to take this moment to remind you that you are on the Internet. So, a lot of people.

Ernie Hudson was always cast to play Winston. The role was never meant for Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy was too busy in the eternal war with Eastasia at the time.

That's a horrible thing to tell a depressed person.

I'm not saying deep sea life should be killed off, I'm just saying their continued existence is proof of the non-existence of a benevolent God.

I have to disagree with you there. I really didn't care much for Far Cry 2 at all. It had a few neat features, but it just felt like the world was so fake. People drove in circles everywhere, everyone was an unlikable jerk with no real motivation other than being an unlikable jerk, etc. Far Cry 3 on the other hand did

"Cut. It. Out." was a catchphrase on Full House.

There's a storm a-brewin'.

"Your mother found THESE in your pants, smokey!"

Did you even smoke pot once?

I still like him. Does that count for something?

Tooooo laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate!

Mostly because of the restraining orders.

The mark of a great show is when the narrator is a character in his own right.

I would think your Poli Sci major is what would cause you to not take any election seriously. It teaches you that there are only joke candidates. It's just a matter of what kind of comedy the election is.

It's a very common expression.

I'm sorry, what? No, no. I said I could piss glue. As in, "oh I'm so angry I could piss glue."

And then Abe walks off the dock and comes back to say good-bye again. The fact that the voice actors could keep a serious tone while all this is going on just kills me.