
Don't you see that these reviews are just an attempt to get us to quote the show non-stop and you're falling for it? It makes me so mad I could kiss you.

Tom Cruise's Bizarre Adventure

I didn't realize them going away was an option. Sure, eventually Marvel is going to make a movie that flops, but I don't see that anywhere on the horizon. And until that happens, I expect movie studios to grab up everything that even looks like a comic book character.

I did get a laugh out of "That's not just gay, it's homosexual." Riley uses the word to the point he's not even aware of what he's saying.

My guess is they go one of two routes:
1. We have a fake Krieger, the real/fakeness of which is played for suspicious laughs, and is ultimately killed off by the real Krieger.
2. We have the real Krieger at which point he will explain that they SHOULD doubt that he's the real Krieger, since they have little proof, but

In my defense, I didn't know who Edmund Burke was, was too lazy to look it up, and in general made a fool of myself in a public forum while trying to show off.

I didn't get that at all. I mean, why would clone Krieger stop the missile?

The thing is that Cherlene was an idiot this episode and while that is never NOT the case, her idiocy was really not helping an actual dire situation. She was kind of like a kid interrupting an important event because s/he wants to go/play/do something and interrupts everyone.

Well don't I feel silly now.

Good question.

Brett was a jerk. He didn't even have the common courtesy to answer Archer's question about who Beaker's boss was before getting shot.

It's a little creepy. But given that this is the show with a clone of Edumnd Burke running around, last episode a South American dictator was mauled, on camera, by a tiger, people have been torn apart by alligators, and we get into the details of Cheryl's sexual fantasies, it's really relatively minor on the

Did Adam Reed write that himself or did he just basically copy and paste some old declassified documents? Because I wouldn't be surprised if that had happened before. I would be surprised if it hadn't, actually.

It was totally appropes. That ending got me a little misty eyed.

I didn't get as tired of the coke jokes as everyone else, but I'm glad to see Pam coming back to being the old Pam.

Angry Beavers was probably my all-time favorite Nick Toon and that which forever made me unable to pronounce a whole sentence properly without going into a Norbert-inspired mockery of the English language, like pronouncing "schedule" as "shay-ju-all" and the like.

Between this and Sam and Max: Freelance Police, that makes two no-seriously-this-show-is-for-kids cartoons that feature a prison rape joke.

I still hear Heffer to this day. "NOOOO! Not the little poots!"

As far as I'm concerned, Rocko's Modern Life had the greatest, simplest, most eloquent conservationist message of any show, past or present:
"Remember boys and girls: If you're not nice to mother nature, she'll kick our butts."

I've heard people claim this season just hasn't had anything in it, when I don't think a single episode has been a dud yet. Every episode has had something worth laughing at. And it's actually been a pretty touching season, too.